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Everything posted by borgified

  1. I actually heard mixed things about Sideshows actual products that they offer up for grabs.
  2. You know that us Canuckle Heads always gets screwed up in the arse @Paco Grande regardless of what we purchase or use (Lego, TFs, 1:12 or 1:6, etc). I’m not totally going to stop buying Macross related items, or anything else in regards to my other hobbies, but being very selective in what I get. I’ve got too much stuff in storage right now and I’m going to thin out when I get a chance to.
  3. Codpiece is too big according to some commentators on various hobby forums and also the tusks as well.
  4. Charge now, ship 4/6 months later (if both warehouses are jammed up to the ceiling).
  5. @Test_Pilot_2- I’m actually holding back in getting the Orinthopter as I’m still waiting in the supposed UCS Tie Interceptor to drop on May 4th. I do concur on some on the Technics pieces used (by multiple reviewers) can be changed to a more suitable colour and not an eyesore.
  6. Sounds like another Toys Wonderland/Comic Santorum fiasco @grogall based in your case. Hopefully that’s just an isolated case, but caution must be taken regardless of what other people say or what’s been posted.
  7. Say the name three times and hopefully that he shows up.
  8. It's getting a re-release non PF edition
  9. $95 USD, Sept - November 2024
  10. Edit: Fatboy's review on Snake Eyes
  11. There’s a leaked photo of Snake Eyes that’s been surfacing (one of many). Pruneface does look very good if you have seen it lately. Edit: Here are some pics also floating around
  12. Anyone here will dare try Pengriod mode upon getting the DX 21 in hand? Someone has got to do it eventually. 🤣
  13. @grogall - The old Silver Snail on Queen’s Street next to the former MuchMusic/CityTV building and also somewhat close to Active Surplus??
  14. Macross up here in Canuckle Land is not big as Transformers from the start since Generation One (1980’s) and onwards and mostly likely the Bayverse Era helped that too. There’s also Gundam which was also super popular in the ‘90s.
  15. One review for Osborn (possibly from Hong Kong)
  16. Charge now and wait six months before any of us get it.
  17. So this was not posted at all.. Inart Phoenix Joker: Only available in Asian 1/6 markets and you can only pre-order from reputable 1/6 stores that is willing to ship to US. *** Stay away from TOYS WONDERLAND and POP COLLECTABLES. They will take your money and leave you high and dry with empty promises ***
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