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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Anyone want another Keith in their collection? On Amiami for 13.440 yen (Item B. Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-023079-R Edit: Can't spell correctly.
  2. Seen on Mezco's website, Frazetta Conan pre-orders is to be dropped tomorrow. Edit: Price change to $90 USD with a NRD of $22.50. To be released July to Sept 2020 (maybe?) https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-conan-the-barbarian
  3. Also - "Did I make you blush?"
  4. It was teased, however the VF-0s, VF-0d (both PF?), PF VF-4G and VT-1 will be delayed due to the fiasco with the SV-51 Ivanoff as it had mismatched feet. Replacement feet was issued by HLJ and NY to the collectors that have Japanese addresses and some of it got sent out to people from the States that have got it from them via a Tenso address.
  5. Then that's why Arcadia can at least triple the asking price and we still all buy it regardless as we have any more money to keep their business growing.
  6. Yep... And corrected after your post. Memory relapse there.
  7. Scalp or not to scalp, that is the question... In which interns to lead with this from SW: ANH
  8. Skipped over this one.. Mondo's Iron Giant in 12.5 inch this time https://news.toyark.com/2020/01/20/mondo-mecha-iron-giant-figure-376400 $200 USD and $205 USD for the Deluxe version. To be released in Sept 2020 and pre-orders on Mondo's webpage.
  9. From Toyark. Incinerator Trooper from the Mandalore https://news.toyark.com/2020/01/20/the-mandalorian-incinerator-trooper-1-6-scale-figure-by-hot-toys-376382 To be released at the end of 2020, beginning of 2021. Pricing and pre-orders not up as of now. Edit: Seen where it appears. Anyone want a Moff Gideon if it gets made?
  10. Uncertain as for now. If there is the next announcement for the newest pre-order, this thread will be plastered up with the links for it and be the "Hot" item on the main index page.
  11. @Bolt - Did you grab the Super's for the Best Girl (or did someone else snagged it)?
  12. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    It was gone last night around 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm PST. The Monster is up for grabs if anyone wants it for their collection. I'm sure that I'll end up paying the Customs Fee and it will cost my close to $250ish ( or more ?) CND for it in total.
  13. Someone has got the last available DX Missile set from Amiami and the DX Max 1a for 18k yen opened... Someone from here snagged both or did you get the 1a @Bahamutzyro ?
  14. Posted on Toyark on the 17th. https://news.toyark.com/2020/01/17/batman-arkham-knight-batman-beyond-costume-1-6-scale-figure-by-hot-toys-376162 Batman: Arkham Knight Beyond Suit. To be released Q4 of 2020 and Q1 of 2021 with pricing and pre-orders not determined yet.
  15. Guess what's up also as of now?? Super's for her 31c for 12.1k yen (sealed) https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/341930
  16. Now it's the waiting game for the next DX VF-1 pre-orders...
  17. New post here folks. From Amiami for the DX VF-1 missile set for roughly 9k yen (Item A, Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-048201-R Nabbed one set earlier. Now waiting to get a DX ( depends on which model) and the SSP set.
  18. Best Girl is up for grabs on Jungle (and maybe overpriced to some) Sealed and at 36.3k yen https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/341941
  19. DX Hikaru's 1s for grabs at 28k yen (opened, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1128443965&ref=list&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  20. If so, I'm all for that! Knowing willingly that Bandai loves to nickel and dime us regardless..
  21. And pull the leg fiasco just like the SV-51.
  22. This is my thoughts. According to Macross Mecha Manual on the General Galaxy 21 fighter to gerwalk line art, the inlet for the air goes into the front two air scoops and then it goes upwards towards the engines that are above the Q-Rau legs (tucked in the bottom body panels). Edit: Is there a better pic if anyone can find it (Full diagram with the internal placement of the engines, etc)?
  23. This thread gets buried quickly and I can't even seem to find it on some occasions. Dam Toys Assasin's Creed: Ezio via Toyark. $220 USD and to be released Q2/Q3 of 2020 https://news.toyark.com/2020/01/16/assassins-creed-ii-ezio-1-6-scale-figure-by-damtoys-37611
  24. FYI: Rush is a Canadian Band. There's a list of Canadian talent in the Music and Film Industry and with the two annoying Justins (Trudeau and Bieber). * * Don't want to get into details, just look the two of them up when you have time. You'll see why *
  25. And you've been avoiding this thread until now? You've got a long way to keep up to date on this thread.
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