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Everything posted by borgified

  1. The SV-51 are a total detolf shelf pigs in valk mode and roughly the same size as the VF-0 valks. Hmm... That just gave me an idea. I'll try and shove the two SV valks together in one shelf sometime soon and I believe someone has attempt it?
  2. I hope that you don't have the mis-matched feet on Ivanoff @DYRL VF-1S and that you got access to the correct ones if you do. Now it's time to re-shuffle the display and make room for that HMR Beast. Did I push you in getting the 1/48 Yammie Low Vis 1a in some way or fashion @sqidd? Plus, Is the Chronos on route as well correct?
  3. Just slap on the stickers and pretend that the errors don't exist. We see faults too, just don't butter up and say it never happened.
  4. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Jungle has HMR VF-4G Roy for grabs at 13.2k yen (limit 4 and not including 5% surcharge for fees) https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/354047 *Still priced on the high side*
  5. Wrong!! Bandai will screw us all over and give us the 101 modex and we all say: "Bandai'ed" after getting the set!
  6. The GBP is not to everyone's fancy as it's too bulky and clunky, unlike the SSP packs which is more streamlined and you can get away quicker.
  7. Two copies of the Karios for 50k yen at Nayuta and Nagoya branch https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1099190299&ref=doc&dispCount=240&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en Still too much for those that never got a copy? From Japan has one unit for 40k yen with a day left (?) in the bidding. https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/auction/yahoo/input/p709453373/lgk-link_top_search
  8. Waiting for the next DX VF-1 pre-orders as no one is biting on the three available DXs that are up on Manda for now. Got save the funds for either DX Roy 1s/DX YF-21/ or whatever the next HMR will be, then pre-order madness begins again.
  9. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Too often... There was a teaser of the S.H. Monsterarts Vajria for the Froniter display, however the Vajria never made it up for production. @David Hingtgen wanted a Figuarts Rain Mikamura as it was teased, it never got made. A teased YF-21 was presented in the OG Hi Metal lineup, got scrapped after the line got cancelled. No telling if the YF-21 will get the upgraded treatment and made in to the present HMR lineup. Even some of the 1/6th companies made teasers for the large show (Comic Cons and Trade Conventions) and it never got made due to production costs. TBL teased a Ninjak figure, got cancelled due to lack of sales (possible reason why).
  10. So two 1/48 Yammie Strike VF-1J with the corresponding SSP, will you go with the Woodland Version 1a and the Woodland GBP Armour next? I have a strange feeling that you might get a copy.
  11. Up on Manda. All are DX VF-1 valks. VF-1s Hikaru - 30k yen Mandarake VF-1J (with stand) - 33k yen Mandarake VF-1a Max - 20k yen Mandarake
  12. Going to pair the ESB Fett (Regular Version) with the updated Mandalore with the Full Beskar Armour and Jet pack when it gets issued.
  13. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Just got my email from Amiami for payment due by the 21st at 7am JST and picked something else as well, then SAL Registered shipping after that. I'll be getting two packages from Amiami hopefully next month just one week apart from each other.
  14. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    There was a display with the other variants as well. Edit: Maybe a CF, Alaska Base, Angel Birds in the near future. From the Tamashii Nations Exhibit dated 2018/10/26-28 via Taghobby (there's also more pics). https://www.taghobby.com/archives/322103
  15. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone got the HMR VF-4 Roy on pre-order and waiting for the offical release day this weekend?
  16. Pre-ordered this morning @Mommar ? I'm possibly going to get a copy, however no promises.
  17. Just unboxed from yesterday's drop off via Manda. Edit: Double checked my email as it said opened, package damaged. So it was checked before sending it off.
  18. borgified

    Macross figures

    Frontier gals (Petit Chara Land/School themed) for 1.2 k yen (inner bag unopened, heavy box damage), 10 count https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1130087763&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  19. Dent is up for pre-orders $95 USD and $23.75 USD NRD, September to December release. https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-two-face
  20. DX Missile Set for 6k yen (opened, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1128767691&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  21. The two stores that we all know that gives the replacement leg are NY and HLJ for those that bought Ivanoff from them. If you created a Tenso address like @apptt4 and @Sanity is Optional did, you would get the replacement parts. Most likely that Nora's 51 (upon pre-order announcement) will be posted here as well.
  22. High possibly for Harvey to be up for pre-order tomorrow?
  23. Maggie Green (stunt double?) from Walking Dead preview by Threezero. Will try to update when new details are up. https://news.toyark.com/2020/02/11/preview-of-the-walking-dead-maggie-greene-figure-by-threezero-378519
  24. Still looking for a FF VF-1J Milia @Sildani (and it may not be in your price range)? Manda has one in stock for 24k yen (with damage to the box): https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1130057109&ref=list&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  25. There's one unit for sale on Jungle (sealed) for 66k yen sans the 5% additional fee. So that means $601.45 USD or $801.05 CND at the current rate on XE. Like I said before, down payment on a mortgage or a deposit on an end house in Vancouver, B.C.
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