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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Here you go: https://tamashii.jp/item/12553/ Price: 27,500 yen(Tax 10% included) 25,000 yen(excluding tax) Release date: September 22, 2018
  2. Are you going to get the DX Version as well when the pre-orders go up @enphily? I'll be keeping my Yammie VF-22 Gamlin regardless.
  3. From Toyark on Hot Toys Miles (Into the Spiderverse) https://news.toyark.com/2020/02/27/hot-toys-spider-man-into-the-spiderverse-miles-morales-383543 To be out Q2/Q3 2021, pre-orders unknown for now. How is this going to compete with the Young Rich version??
  4. This is my statement for now until I see the proof of the thing that @bbilly29 is saying.
  5. I'm surprized that no one has yet attempt to pick this one up from Amiami , it's been sitting there for over three weeks. DX VF-1 Missile set for 9k yen (Item A, Box B) - https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-048201-R
  6. Golden Roach is up if anyone is interested $200 USD with a $50 NRD https://www.mezcotoyz.com/one-12-collective-gomez-the-roach-with-the-golden-head Edit: Another pic added
  7. Not to sound snarky.. Then where is the solid proof and links to the final product @bbilly29?? I'm taking this as a grain of salt until proven otherwise.
  8. Looks like it.. This one looks like a turd (is a turd anyways) and some will go "Ga Ga" over this. Guaranteed the most scalped item to people that loves the mascot (don't care for it really - 'cause it sells for triple the price on Fleabay). D Amazing has a review up on YouTube if anyone is interested. Up for pre-orders tomorrow and from Mezco's Facebook page.
  9. I've managed to do some digging for any news of new Mezco One: 12 stuff and so far I managed to see this from Marvelous News (Black Widow) and Bat-man news. (Reeves Supes) All teasers for now.
  10. Just no... Looks like a pile of turd. Gold Gomez review by Micheal Crawford. http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW-022220a.htm Edit: From another Mezco One thread. Anyone else getting a pre-order in besides myself?
  11. Back up again for 30k yen. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1129404249&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  12. Via Toyark on Toy Fair. So far it's Mondo doing the newest 1/6th stuff till SCDD/NYCC, then the rest of the 1/6th companies will display their stuff. https://news.toyark.com/2020/02/23/toy-fair-2020-mondo-motu-and-iron-giant-382334 Further details are at link.
  13. Not this "HE TELL ME" crap!
  14. Just waiting for the shipping notice from Amiami on the DX SSP via SAL Shipping.
  15. DX SSP on Manda for 12k yen (unopened, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1126326850&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  16. So that means the DX Draken is roughly the same size as the DX YF-19 valk wise and can be stuffed with the Yamacadia 51. I'm going to use the Arcadia Valk stand for the Yammie Nora, as the V.1 stand might not hold up the large bird without toppling it over.
  17. It's actually Toy Fair this weekend. Somehow I get these mixed up @crackpot. Is the SDCC couple of months earlier than the NYCC (in June/July)?
  18. Since we all know that NYCC is this weekend (or next), are we hoping to see any new stuff from the large 1/6th companies and some of the 3rd party versions as well?
  19. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    There is other places besides Nin-nin and Manda that carries second hand HMR - Amiami and Jungle. Jungle is overpriced and they rack on the 5% additional fee if you get anything from them (sometimes it does have good deals). Its a given that if anyone that uses Manda you're going to spend more than you planned (Hook, line and sinker).
  20. From Toyark Devil May Cry 5 - Dante "Luxury Edition" https://news.toyark.com/2020/02/20/devil-may-cry-5-dante-luxury-edition-figure-by-asmus-toys-379198#images To be released Q4 of this year, $280 USD, pre-orders are up
  21. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    D'oh!! Someone has snagged a HMR Monster for 18k yen on Manda (not opened,, package damaged). https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1062290787&ref=list&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  22. From another Mezco One 12 thread for NY Toyfair. I'll be interested in getting one as I have the HT V.1 Scar Pred and Neca's various Preds in my collection. Edit: Knowing well that it may get sold out in a flash if the pre-orders are up sometime this year of the next.. Mezco still has not released a chunk of stuff that was promised.. I believe that Ghost Rider pre-orders might be pushed to the Fall of this year??
  23. DX Missile set on Jungle for 7.7k yen sealed (not including the 5% fees) https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/359518
  24. borgified

    Macross figures

    I'm betting that this one will go very quickly. Nendoriod Peties: Heroines are in back in stock for 4k yen! https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1130595166&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
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