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Everything posted by borgified

  1. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Almost everyone is waiting for the Phalanx and Tomohawk pre-orders Bandai! I guess that we all shrink and turn into prunes before it ever gets done.
  2. Presenting Nathan Christopher Charles Dayspring Askani'son Summers (PX version). I prefer this version than compared to the regular. Less bulky, inclusion of the sword, and has the regular stuff as the original two (I put the pistol in the wrong way).
  3. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    And includes the prototype of the YF-21 (made for the Hi-Metal line up, not made) to be finalized made in HMR scale. Here's the link form Toyark: https://news.toyark.com/2010/02/23/vf-hi-metal-yf-21-announced-and-more-tamashii-macross-news-2435
  4. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    HMR VF-4G Roy for 9k yen (unopened, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1131265225&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  5. Full sized Baby Yoda announcement via Toyark. https://news.toyark.com/2020/03/27/the-mandalorian-the-child-life-size-figure-by-hot-toys-385392 Edit: $410 USD and pre-orders upon Sideshow, to be released Q4 2020/Q1 2021
  6. Corrected your post. Then we get majorly screwed over if its Roy's 1s (then the bloodbath ensues to get a copy just like what @Slave IV mentioned). Edit: Or better yet - Max's 1s
  7. I actually used the regular Supers with the Low Vis 1a (and I believe that posted it in the 1/48 Yammie thread). It makes a interesting contrast.
  8. There was a 1/48 Yammie Hayao 1a for grabs on Manda for 18k yen couple of months ago (regular version) and it was gone within a day of listing. If I wasn't cash strapped after getting the Urban City GBP, I would have got it.
  9. Hmm.. If the grand total for Hayao's 1a at rougly 24k yen using the 3k yen shipping option, that's not too shabby. Secondary markets like Manda and Amiami will mostly likely list it at 23k/24k yen (?) upon getting it and then add the S+H afterwards. Jungle will retail it for 25k yen (sealed) when getting it and then the 5% fees and other stuff. I might give Okiniland a try on my next DX order, however I'll get nabbed for Custom Fees upon getting it sent to Canada. "You win some, you lose some" as the adage goes and at least you get it what you ordered (hopefully).
  10. I might get the Woodland 1a and its GBP at a later point in time. Now you got my creative juices following @tekering. Hmm.. Regular, Special Ops and Green Beret defense force and their mascot: HMR Monster!
  11. Cyberpunk Girl via Toyark. https://news.toyark.com/2020/03/25/new-photos-of-the-cyberpunk-2077-female-v-1-6-scale-figure-by-pure-arts-385284 Pre-orders are up on Sideshow
  12. "What part of NO Trespassing don't you understand?"
  13. I'm looking forward in getting a bigger display case after this mess is over and to properly put my Macross/TF/1/6 & 1/12 collection in full display. I'm glad that Hayao 1a pre-orders are announced for those that want to complete the Vermillion Squadaron, hopefully that Roy's DYRL (or TV version for those that want it) gets made as well.
  14. I'm waiting for a DX Max 1s pre-order if Bandai gets the green light..
  15. Just announced on Toyark, https://news.toyark.com/2020/03/23/doom-eternal-doom-slayer-1-6-scale-figure-preview-by-mondo-385207 Pricing and pre-orders are not up, see link for details.
  16. It's been a long time since I've seen the G1 Japanese Animated TF series Victory. Did Star Saber ever go head to head with Dinoking at all?
  17. Anyone looking for a 31J Kai for a reasonable price? On Manda for 25k yen at Complex branch (opened, used, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1129928656&ref=doc&dispCount=240&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  18. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Manda has got a HMR Monster for 18k yen (unopened package, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1048565725&ref=list&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en Still available from Amiami as well (two listings) 16,650 yen (Item B+, Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-017242-R 18.5k yen (Item A, Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?scode=FIGURE-017242-R030
  19. "Take it easy now Dutch. There's always another day to hunt Zentradi".
  20. This might be of use to those that are taking measures in this worldwide condition, and I thought this might be appropriate here as we're getting our toy fixes in one way or another. Knowing that the risk of catching the virus via packages is very unlikely, here's an article that be worth reading from Huffingpost Canada. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/cleaning-packages-delivery-coronavirus_ca_5e72459cc5b6f5b7c53c995f?utm_hp_ref=ca-coronavirus As a well known adage goes; "Rather be safe than sorry".
  21. Not custom, it's the OG version that I got a year and half ago. 1/48 Yammie Stealth Strike VF-1J and the separate SSP set (There is the full set that has everything if your wondering) The Yammie Stealth VF-1J was listed at Manda for 21.5k yen and the Stealth SSP set was 10.8k yen from Jungle (box was beaten up to snot). If you willing to find a set, it's going to cost you a leg and arm (plus maybe more). @DYRL VF-1S and @sqidd can back me up on this. I enabled both of them to get a copy of the 1/48 Yammie Stealth VF-1J and the SSP set. Even @jenius has a section on his blog about it - http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=178 I have the 1/48 Yammie Low Vis 1a and the Urban City Cameo GBP attached to it. Didn't get the Woodland 1a or the Woodland GBP.
  22. Edit: Did a little more fidgeting with the valk. The wings close together, however the right wing is curved up upwards (slightly) at the wing tips. Not going to nit pick on it too much. I've got another pic planned and will post it when possible. I don't often double check things after putting them into place for snap shots as I pic and post right away. For this upcoming one, I'll be be more constant and if there are errors, consider it a bonus!
  23. Cracked open the DX 1s and the DX SSP set. Here's a shot that I've been planning to do with the 1/48 Yammie Steath 1J with the corresponding SSP set together.
  24. Regular and Special Ops versions of Strike Valks.
  25. It's an Art Design machine that's used for home projects, scrapbooking/cardmaking (my ex-girlfriend's mom has one that the family bought two years ago. It's going to be used more frequently in these months since the lock down in Canada is countrywide). I guess that we're still getting our toy fixes somehow in some fashion or another. I thought our toy collecting will be on hold till this virus is passed over. I guess not...
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