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Everything posted by borgified

  1. You mean Veritech?? OR this from Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valk Valk is a surname. It means "falcon" in Dutch and can be of metonymic origin referring to a falconer.
  2. It so indeed. From Macross Mecha Manual: http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossdyrl/variant-vf-1s-dyrl-max.htm Edit: Found another link as well: https://news.toyark.com/2009/04/21/yamato-macross-160-tv-vf-1a-vf-1s-max-customs-images-1198 Question - Why do some 1/60 versions have either the black and blue heat shield (or did they just transferred it from the 1a DYRL to the 1s DYRL version)?
  3. If anyone missed out and needs either Arad or Mirage, both on Amiami!! Arad for 33k yen (Item A, Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-037574-R Mirage for 33.5k yen (Item A/Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-029195-R
  4. For $112 USD and limit 2, there's a wack of goodies as well. Link above folks and added one more pic.
  5. Updated list of "Mailing Suspensions" as of yesterday from Manda. Read the entire list before doing any purchases: EMS (although delayed) and DHL are still go ahead, SAL is out of the question!! https://earth.mandarake.co.jp/help/shipping_suspensions.html Edit: I'm still going to post on the "Deals Thread" on Manda, Amiami and Jungle when I see good grabs. If you want them and don't mind the delay in shipping via EMS, then go ahead and hopefully that it goes through.
  6. That is actually a photoshop job like what @Sanity is Optional said. That blue is actually more leaning on the purple side while @no3Ljm's recolour of @Saburo's OG pic of DX Hikaru's 1s more colour accurate. Here's the pic of the recoloured DX 1s Hikaru in to Max's 1s (short stint as Vermilion Leader in DYRL).
  7. I pretty well sure that DX Roy's 1s is going to get made as the DX SSP set has the Black Skull 001 designation. If Bandai doesn't do it, there is going to be a out rage of collectors crying "False News" and utter threats. You mean the full package DX 1J with the GPB? I really don't know about that one, I let Bandai figure this one out if they want to package the GBP Armour with a second round of the 1J release with the grey goggles.
  8. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    The "Shipping Suspension thread" will have further details and links. The HMR VF-4g Roy is the same as the Hikaru version with a different head and paint scheme and there should be no issues. The only think that irks me and others is how the pilot is placed way back in the seat (or passed out while drinking and flying at the same time). Getting drunk and flying is not a good combo unless your like Roy and can handle your heavy liquor (or like Rihanna taking a swig from the bottle straight up: Timestamp 2:58 - 3:02 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3n5Pk8fkLg
  9. If interested, up for grabs on Wednesday. Review done by D Amazing.
  10. Good for fodder/kitbashes/spare parts. Slightly sunburnt (?) DX 171EX for 15k yen (used, opened, main item burnt, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1135134480&ref=doc&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  11. We briefly discussed this on April 8/2018 (over two years ago) on page 110. Roid's plane pre-Draken: SV-154 in which Kawamori took some influences form the F-104. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_F-104_Starfighter Is this SV-154 a Hasewaga kit by any chance (or clobbered from other model kits)?
  12. Update from Manda's International webpage page - "Shipping Suspension". Last Updated: April 11, 2020 * The latest additions will are highlighted in yellow. Items that were already shipped with SAL prior to April 1 may potentially be returned to the store by the Post Office. According to Japan Post, if your package has already gone through the export procedure then it will be held by them awaiting a possible flight. If your package is returned to us we will contact you with possible shipping methods. * Modifiied in plain text because it's unreadable in Yellow here.
  13. If anyone has stuff from Hong Kong to arrive where ever you are, you might be effected too. List as of this month on the 9th https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/about_us/whats_new/notices/index_id_910.html https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/about_us/whats_new/notices/index_id_909.html https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/about_us/whats_new/press_release/index_id_688.html Edit: Changed date to 9th not 10th
  14. D'oh! I thought they had DHL, and I just checked. Looks like that I will have to redo the posting.
  15. Re-Edit: No DHL, only EMS and if you want to wait over two weeks for the package before it gets shipped out. On Jungle: DX SSP Parts = 13.2k yen (sealed) https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/412151 DX Missle Set = 7.7k yen (sealed) https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/412044
  16. GMC = Opel & Vuaxhall (till 2017), Cadillac, Chevrolet, Buick, Pontiac (folded), Asuna & Geo (both folded), Saturn (folded), Holden (to be retired in 2021), etc. VW = Audi, Skoda, Porshe, Seat, Lamborghini, Bugatti (?), Bentley (?) Mann, Scanda, etc. Chrysler (now owned by Fiat which produces the Alfa Romeo) = Dodge, Ram, Plymouth (anymore that I forgot?)
  17. Not related to Macross, however this might inspire a chunk of us here. This was posted in another Fext Hobby Thread and I just saw this on Fext Hobby Facebook page. Dated March 11th with a teaser of a Sci-Fi Dio #6. https://www.facebook.com/pg/fexthobbyfanpage/posts/?ref=page_internal Here are the pics from this post with the Star Wars: Black Series 6 inch Bounty Hunters
  18. You actually brought up a point @Smacky. I have used EMS and Parcel post from Amiami and I think that I have never got snagged by CBSA as of yet. If I use Manda for EMS, I usually get slapped with Customs on a few occasions and twice using SAL. I paid close to roughly $40 CND Customs on the HMR Monster and close to $60 CND Customs on the DX YF-19 Full Set by using EMS on both orders. Yep.. Us Canadians get hosed in Customs Fees.
  19. 16k yen and there was another one for 18k yen (now sold out). Check out the site frequently as there will be a possibility that one will surface back up, just give it some time. MP-29+ was listed for 20k yen when it first came out. Edit: My copy was used, package damaged that's why it was 16k yen.
  20. If you live in Canada (like @Sandman, @peter and myself as we live in British Columbia and for the rest of the us Macross Collectors in the other 9 provinces and the three territories as well), we get import fees. It depends if CBSA (Canadian Border and Services Associations) slaps on the Customs Fees or not depending on the price that was stated on the shipping label. I got nabbed for Custom fees on my MP-29+ and also on the HMR Monster (both from Manda).
  21. Hmm.. I might have to do that with my Yammie v.2 version, however I could go with either DRYL/TV type if it gets made.
  22. Those 1/48 Yammie boxes are a pig and they tack on the shipping costs due that odd ball sizing. At least there is EMS/DHL to smuggle or plastic crack fixes out which keeps our downtime occupied. Despite all this pre-cautions happening around the world, there's a plus side, the world is getting clearer and reverting itself to its natural state before mass pollution takes over again and everything gets back into full force. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2020/04/coronavirus-pandemic-earth-pollution-noise/609316/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/mar/20/nature-is-taking-back-venice-wildlife-returns-to-tourist-free-city I'm sure that there's more articles about this environmental plus.
  23. Your getting Mezco One: 12 stuff as well @nathans82? There's a story behind this one. My copy of MP-29+ arrived from Manda via DHL and I ordered it via EMS originally five days before Manda posted the Suspension of Mailing was to be in effect. Two days before the payment was due, I emailed Manda Nayuta if there is a possibility to change the shipping to EMS to DHL to speed things up as EMS was delayed. Agreement was made and I paid the difference. Shipping was done on Friday, came in the DHL Depot in Vancouver, British Columbia on Monday, got nabbed in Custom Fees. Paid the fees last night and got delivered today, plus totally disinfected the entire box before opening it. Delivery guy was also taking pre-cautions as well with the gloves and mask. This is the Shockwave that I was looking forward to get, not the lilac looking one. Singing the song: "One eyed, one eyed giant purple people eater" while fiddling with it. Note that my camera doesn't pick up the dark rich purple as it picks it up in blueish-purple hue and left the coil in the package until I get my MP shelf up again. Edit: It shows purple in this pic anyways.
  24. Good grab for the Low Vis 1a @sqidd at 20k yen and happy with the 1/48 Yammies that I have presently (might get one more, just not in a rush to get it. If it's gone, then I'm fine without it). Now it's nerve racking wait for the next DX 1s or the DX YF-21...
  25. I knew what actually is referred to @Gabe Q. Just trying to pull a bit of laughter here. Oops! I didn't factor in the PF VF-0d @technoblue as I didn't actually pay attention for the pre-orders for that one. My apologies for that one. I actually don't mind if a pre-order for Nora's 51 goes up in 2021 as I think that everyone here needs to recover their own personal funds after this Worldwide situation passes over (I'm actually starting to scrape up some funds for another 1/6th figure that is to be released sometime next year). If it does go according to plan as per Arcadia's ETA, which is now delayed.
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