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Everything posted by borgified

  1. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    That was quick for DHL and you ordered it on Friday with my assistance and got sent out on Monday (Japan Time)? Manda didn't charge you for a leg and arm for S+H or did they?
  2. You mean Mylene is your missing person. Immelman is Hayate's last name and known for the famous dance on the CF 171EX and his 31J.
  3. Mandalore's Scout trooper is up (with Baby Yoda and the Bike for the Deluxe version). To be released Q2/Q3 of 2021 https://news.toyark.com/2020/04/23/the-mandalorian-scout-trooper-and-speeder-bike-by-hot-toys-386786 $220 USD for the Scout, $455 USD for Baby Yoda and the Bike set Sideshow has the pre-orders open. Edit: This version of Baby Yoda is much cuter than the one with either the Deluxe or Regular version of the Full Beskar Mandalore .
  4. Thanks for the post on the United States @Roy Focker. Virgin Islands and Guam still have Air available. Canada is not affected yet: Still have DHL, EMS and Air for now Here's the latest update: https://earth.mandarake.co.jp/help/shipping_suspensions.html
  5. Did anyone mange to see that the screwed up modix in the upper wingtips are not there? Smart decision to cover the error as he was redoing the upper part of the 1s.
  6. It's all good @kkx. Hopefully that we can all follow the rules here before the inevitable happens.
  7. I might as well keep the DHL shipping method that Amiami has originally offered to me for my pre-previous owned item. Going to make the full payment in within 36 hours with hope that it gets shipped out before complete total lockdown. As much as don't like paying Custom Fees, sometimes you have to bite the bullet and accept the fate.
  8. Looks like its becoming @kkx's sales thread again!
  9. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    HMR Monster for grabs at 18k yen (unopened, box collapse, damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1048724273&ref=list&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en Edit: Re-did post.
  10. Another question to ask here. Who has received or yet to receive their order by using EMS? I don't mind the three week (or longer) wait for shipping from Amiami via EMS on a pre-owned item (not paid yet as it's due on the 30th).
  11. The last available copy of DX VF-1s Hikaru (for now) is now 30k yen (Nakano branch) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1136039527&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en Only time will tell if Hikaru's 1s gets restocked. Edit: As of 9:54 am PST, April 21st; there's one for 28k yen and other for 32k yen as well. It's still available at the above link.
  12. Hayate's 31J Kei for 21k yen at Sahra branch (opened, used, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1135498246&ref=doc&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en Other listings are at 23k to 29k yen.
  13. Manda has updated their Shipping Suspension list (as of the 18th) and now includes the Air Shipping available to specific countries. https://earth.mandarake.co.jp/help/shipping_suspensions.html
  14. I have two Alto 171EX (one beaten up to snot and one slighly yellowed still in the boxes) with both of the triangles still intact. Have not touched them for over a year now as I still have the add-on kit for it still in the box.
  15. Up on Toyark: DAM Toys Assassin's Creed Origins Bayek https://news.toyark.com/2020/04/20/assassins-creed-origins-bayek-1-6-scale-figure-by-damtoys-386629 Pre-orders and pricing not up yet. If interested, keep your eyes for the pre-orders.
  16. Double Strike Cannons for @Shizuka the Cat's OCD right there!
  17. Now that looks different! I would have never though about putting the black SSP (or the OG SSP from the Stealth VF-1J) on the Low Vis 1a. Which makes me think... Can't wait till you get the other 1/48 Yammie and maybe try something funky on it. Sorry folks... Can't tell you what it is, however I'll let @sqidd reveal it when he gets it in hand and I gave him a heads up on it.
  18. Anyone for a Maruayama 171EX or will @Sanity is Optional snag it for good? From Amiami for 28.2k yen (Item B, Box B) https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-011871-R
  19. borgified

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone here want a HMR VF-1s Hikaru? One copy from the Nauyta branch for 12k yen (opened, used, package heavily damaged, backing cardboard missing) See pics of interested. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1135340270&ref=doc&dispCount=240&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  20. I'm getting a Rhino Alien from my LCS if and when Diamond sends out the shipping out. Have you opened up the package yet @sh9000?
  21. Endgame: Carol Danvers for $260 USD, to be out April - June 2021 https://news.toyark.com/2020/04/16/avengers-endgame-captain-marvel-figure-by-hot-toys-386393 Sideshow's link - https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/marvel-captain-marvel-hot-toys-906305
  22. Another Batman Animated Character is up! Mondo's Selina Kyle is ready for orders at $165 USD and to be released in June. https://news.toyark.com/2020/04/16/batman-the-animated-series-catwoman-figure-by-mondo-386467 Mondo's website - https://mondoshop.com/collections/batman-the-animated-series-1-6-scale-series/products/catwoman-1-6-scale-figure-mondo-exclusive
  23. From Hot Toy's Facebook page - Carol Danvers: Endgame version Further details will be up when pre-orders are open.
  24. There was a mention of trying Liquidtex Matte Varnish on the TFW2005: Macross Thread (I have not tried this, however I read that Wotafa did use this method). You could get the gloss version if it's slightly affordable, as I don't know the differences. https://www.liquitex.com/row/products/professional/gessoes-mediums-varnishes/matte-varnish/?tab=techniques Follow the instructions and add thin layers with a three hour drying time in between each (recommends three coats). If more is needed, then add with ample drying time in between coats. Get the small bottle (8.45 oz/250 ml) as it's quite pricey for larger bottle. Can be ordered through Amazon or your local arts store (Michaels, Wal-Mart (?), Curry's [if in Toronto], Lobby Hobby, etc). This can be used on the VF-25/YF-29 as well. * Future Floor Finish is not recommended as it's for tightening joints on TF's, Figuarts or anything plastic joint related. *
  25. Baron Bends is now in the "Wait list". For those that wanted a copy, you got your wish.
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