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Everything posted by borgified

  1. Hmm.. I might take you up on that offer @RedComet. I have a V.2 Yammie 1/60 1J with GBP that has been yellowed and got the Shapeways replacement for it (haven't got the time to do anything presently).
  2. You might want to try this thread out. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/forum/23-the-workshop/
  3. These three trained warriors are ready to take your life away while you sleep.
  4. Gwen Stacy and Spider Ham is up! https://news.toyark.com/2020/04/29/spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-spider-gwen-figure-by-hot-toys-387046 To be released Q3/Q4 of 2021, at $365.85 CDN/$255 USD Edit: https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/marvel-spider-gwen-hot-toys-906347
  5. Excuse me? Spending more than $1100 than a valk? Rant here: Then what about tuition fees that cost $2000+ depending on what your planing to major in, engagement ring to your fiancee, buying a condo/house, top if of the line cellphone (IE: Apple 11 Pro Max that costs over a Gino and then a newer model of the phone goes up for sale a year later with more bling bling). Oh yeah.. I'm going to get flack for not spending over 25k yen on a Macross collectable because I know my limit; however, I did it three times on the following DXs: YF-19 Full Set, YF-30 and the 1s with the Full Kit and caboodle. I say if anyone has enough $$$ to spend on the luxuries, then go ahead. Where not supposed to judge on others about spending, however to each there own taste. End Rant.
  6. Amiami just sent a email to say that my package just shipped... I'll be checking tracking in two weeks time to see if it has ever left Japan given the circumstances right now.
  7. I have a funny feeling that at least one (or both) of my packages from Japan via EMS is going to get nabbed for Customs when it gets to the Vancouver Sorting Depot. If what you mentioned is correct @wm cheng, there is that possibility that CBSA is going to bypass all screening for Imported Hobby Goods from Japan. DHL is most likely to get snagged for Customs in Canada and it depends if any Japanese Hobby stores place the item at the lower value or not, plus labeling the package as a "Collectable Item" is highly going to get curious eyes looking at it. Edit: @Smackyand @Darth Mingus both replied about CBSA Fees on April 9th and 10th. I've had three/four Amazon.jp packages that got delivered by DHL and not get booked for Customs due to the fact that included it in the pricing to set it to Vancouver.
  8. That is correct. Here's what Japan-guide says on their website: https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2282.html Golden Week 2020 In 2020, the weekends are placed in a way to create a 5-day weekend. However, due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, people are requested not to travel during this year's Golden Week. Mon April 27 Tue April 28 Wed April 29 Thu April 30 Fri May 1 Sat May 2 Sun May 3 Mon May 4 Tue May 5 Wed May 6 Thu May 7 Fri May 8 Sat May 9 Sun May 10 I'm actually glad that managed to get a DX 1s Hikaru and the rest of the corresponding stuff before this worldwide situation happened, otherwise I'll be going bonkers just trying to piece the stuff together and with the Suspension of Mailing taking place as well.
  9. Just got the email from the Utsunomiya branch that my package has been shipped, Amiami is most likely after Golden week. In that case @slide, I believe that your package just got delivered at the Toronto Sorting Center? A week wait isn't that bad and it will have to go through CBSA first hand.
  10. Max's 22 Sturmvogel went for 25k yen not long ago. If you want a M&M shrine @claude grant in your collection, then the hunt for M&M's Q-rau will be the next step in the list. * *If you can find it and including the respected CMS Figures as well *
  11. High museum quality piece right there @DYRL VF-1S, plus encased in a proper shrine with proper lightening for all to see! Can we all give you a bottle of Hibiki/Hakushu/Yamakazi for admission fees after this worldwide quarantine is over?
  12. How in the world can even Jungle use Registered Air Small Packet?? Like what @jenius mentioned, that is really totally off key. We all know that the Yammie 1/48 boxes are flippin' huge! Keep us posted regardless.
  13. Might be the from the new batch? DX SSP for grabs at 12k yen (unopened, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1130712556&ref=list&dispCount=240&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en
  14. Just did the payment for both Amiami and Manda for my two packages to shipped by EMS. Will see how this goes and possibly a three week wait for both to arrive at Vancouver's Canada Postal outlet with a trip to Customs when it gets shipped in. Manda will most likely ship first and Amiami will have to wait till after Golden Week is over.
  15. @sqidd - Good thing that I hooked you up with the Woodland 1a for this project.
  16. D'oh! Looks like my two packages from Amiami and Manda will be put on hold upon payment via EMS. I'm going to make the payment regardless and see what happens as I don't mind the wait.
  17. This will be a pass since there's a spot slightly yellowed for some or if anyone is interested? For 20k yen (Opened, used, minor box damaged, body coloured change) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1136387082&ref=doc&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  18. Lil'Draken Set for 10k yen (unopened, Package damaged, copyright sticker missing) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1136468553&ref=doc&keyword=マクロス&lang=en
  19. Mirage for 28k yen (unopened, package damaged, copyright sticker missing) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1136487741&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en Edit: One more Messer's Supers for 14k yen (same condition as Mirages box) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1136478147&ref=list&keyword=マクロス&lang=en * Yeah... We're going to whine and crab about why there's nothing new for Delta. Just burn it with fire already! * Edit: Correct price for Messer's Supers.
  20. Check @Sandman's reply on the "Shipping suspension" thread = Received two packages with a weeks difference. The hold at the airport is up to 4 months before it gets shipped to the States Here's National Post in regards to mail in Canada https://nationalpost.com/news/canada-post-warns-covid-19-measures-and-unprecedented-volumes-are-causing-delivery-delays I have an order for a TF at the Utsunomiya branch for 15k yen and DHL is 7950 yen while EMS is 4500 yen. Emailing them right now if it's possible to change the shipping from DHL to EMS. If not possible, then keep it at DHL. Canada has DHL, EMS and AIR for now, the United States only has DHL. Edit: Added and changed details
  21. Has anyone here ordered anything from Amiami either using DHL/EMS providing that your not in the "Suspension List"?
  22. Did a fair chunk of us read this? From Manda: IMPORTANT - EMS and Air Suspensions With 4 Month Delay to Shipped Items to USA We've received word from Japan Post that EMS and Air shipping is being suspended for even more countries (currently only in Japanese), so we're sorry to say that we are also having to remove these options from the online store. For items that have already been sent, another Japan Post announcement (currently only in Japanese) also mentioned a severe delay of up to four months for shipments to the USA, though other countries are likely to be similarly backed up. If you have a package that is returned to the store, the store will contact you to arrange an alternative shipping method. As mentioned in the previous announcement, some customers previously asked if it was possible for us to call these delayed items back from the post office, but unfortunately this is not possible. About Non-Changing Statuses and the "Returned to Sender" Status in the Japan Post Tracking Information. (Abridged version from our Facebook page) - Returned to Sender - When Japan Post suspended certain shipping options to certain countries due to Corona, they already had some order for those countries using those shipping methods. Some orders made it through to the final stages (being put on a plane) but those that did not slowly started being returned to our stores. Unfortunately there is no way for us to know what items are coming back until they arrive. When the tracking information shows the status "Returned to Sender", it means that the process of return has begun and they are now on their way to the store. There are currently lots of items coming back so when an item returns to the store the staff will contact you about it. If you have seen that your order is "Returned to Sender" and you want to contact the store early to prepare for how it should be treated, please be sure to include your order number and requests you may have. It is vital to include your order number. - Non-Changing Tracking Information - At the moment there is a VERY heavy delay on all EMS and Air items sent through Japan Post leaving Japan. This is because there are far fewer planes available to ship items out on. An official announcement on the Japan Post website noted that can take more than two weeks for items to even be loaded on planes and reach the USA, though other countries will also face similar delays. This means that when looking at the tracking information on orders it may possibly be weeks before an update is shown (even with EMS). But rest assured that orders marked as shipped have been shipped (picked up by the post office) and are in the process of heading to you. If for whatever reason these too are returned to our stores, we will be contacting you about it. Some customers have asked if it is possible to recall items back from the post office in order to ship via DHL. Unfortunately as we do not know at what stage the shipments are during their export process, this is not possible.
  23. Who did you use for both orders for EMS @Sandman? I might have to switch over my Amiami order to EMS then as I still have time to contact them. As for the second possible order from Manda, I guess that I can send a email to revert to EMS shipping if possible otherwise I'll keep with DHL as originally planned.
  24. So you paid $100 in total to get it shipped out (if approved). If you're not in a rush to get it, let it sit till the virus is subsided.
  25. DX Missile Set (first shipment or the new re-leased batch?) for 7k yen (unopened, package damaged) https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1129775438&ref=list&keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B9&lang=en Edit: Already gone!! Heck that was quick grab!
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