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Dwindling Gravitas

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Picked mine up from Customs today. I knew it was gonna be big, but I guesss I didn't realise qute how big... It's f***ing HUGE!!! And f***ing well made, too. Ultimate props to Mike for such fantastic work!
  2. Cheers. I've bpought the Arii 1/100 Defender, Tomohawk and Phalanx off e-bay (semi-fiished). What I failed to express was what film/series should I - in my übernoobness - watch to kind of grasp all this Destroid stuff?
  3. Certainly no shortage in 1/72 scale. I didn't realise Macross was "this decade" though. I've never watched / read it. Hey, I know it's somewhat off-topic but what would be the best starting place for a Macross noob in love with the Destroids?
  4. That sounds phenomenal ...what would you use for camo netting? Maybe gauze bandage died green with some flock stuck to it? As for the support vehicles .. are any available already, or would they be the ones currently being developed in the other thread here?
  5. That's a lot of progress in such a short space of time. And it looks fantastic!
  6. Noted. Luckilly, I have a respirator already, for when I'm spraying ...*gulp* ... 1/72 scale armor /flees from forum
  7. Thanks very much!!!
  8. That's a very nice and clean build HWR. And a wonderfully subtle paintjob that really brings out the panel lines. Question: for total noobs (like me) who've never built a resin kit, let alone a garage kit (hope that's not an insult Mike? If so, then I meant a "limited run custom-cast job), are there any hazards that I should be wary of in construction that maybe aren't covered in Mike's instructions? Just in case Mike is assuming that anyone ordering one of these things will have at least a modicum of modelling competence.
  9. Wow .... when I die, I don't want to go to heaven, I want to go to that room. Impressive collection, Mike.
  10. Excellent job, Mike. Really looking forwrad to getting hold of this beast. Quick OT question: what size/scale is the probot? Going from posts here, it seems it's available somewhere?
  11. I can think of few things better than sex than a 1/72 scale Phalanx... pm sent
  12. Good ... as long as you're aware that I still do Although .... I wont even be able to start "thinking" about working on it till late August due to some WWII modelling committments (yes, I know, there's a very special kind of hell reserved for me ...) ... I don't know what your release schedule looks like, Mike, but if you want to push me down the list a "bit" so that somebody who's frothing at the mouth can start on it next month already, feel free.
  13. Now that's a damned good idea, Robert. Think I could get away with claiming to be AlphaHX?
  14. /still lurking /still waiting /still buying Love the new cast, Mike. And the Phalanx teaser (?)
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