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Everything posted by SMS007

  1. In Delta episode 5 we see a Megaroad fleet making contact with Windermere and a New Macross fleet making contact with Ragna. Was it the Megaroad or the New Macross that was identified by ancillary media?
  2. Can someone link me to the previous extensive discussion on the VF-31? I think it was previously mentioned somewhere in this thread I don't think the search bar on this site likes "VF-31".
  3. Am I to understand that the VF-4 Lightning III is named "three" because in and out of universe, the designers followed the name precursors of the P-38 Lightning and the F-35 Lightning II? Therefore, the Sv-262 Draken III follows the 35 Draken and.....some yet-undescribed fictitious Draken II? And in that case, is there a real-world name precursor for the VF-22 Sturmvogel II?
  4. Has any Macross story ever noted any difference between folding while in an atmosphere versus in outer space for a conventional spaceworthy vessel? I was wondering because most sci-fi franchises tend to reasonably establish as a general rule that shipboard FTL propulsion will only work in outer space.1 1. Contingent on the plot requirements, of course. I'm looking at you, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and you, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
  5. A couple thoughts occur to me: does the VF-31 have any particular advantage in having completely internalized weapons in fighter mode, including the gun pod, compared to previous fighter models? Though by that factor, wouldn't the forward-swept wings of the VF-9, YF-19 / VF-19, YF-29, and Siegfried VF-31 be un-aerodynamic? And yet we have seen all of those models operate in atmosphere.
  6. If the VF-31's beam gunpod is not MDE-equipped as with the YF-29 and YF-30, then is it basically a less powerful version of the VF-27's?
  7. Remind me again the exact words "MDE" stands for? And the corresponding Japanese?
  8. In Macross 30, Grace introduces Guld to everyone. Are we to assume that this is an intentional joke by the producers in reference to how Macross Galaxy's in-house variable fighter firm named itself after Guld?
  9. Aha, now that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.
  10. Aha, I didn't see some of those head turrets from the angle and contrast of the images I was looking at. Still, if I hadn't read the Mecha Manual, I wouldn't have guessed the VF-17 / VF-171 is a General Galaxy design on the grounds that it doesn't have the distinctive topward-pointing (sometimes angled backwards) spade-shaped head when viewed from the front of battroid mode. From that view (especially of the 171), I would have guessed that the VF-17 / VF-171 was closely related to the YF-24 family. Huh. It must be some really weird coincidence or Kawamori was thinking years in advance in having an economized VF-17 become General Galaxy's first Spacy mainstay. Either way, I guess the VF-1 battroid head tradition really symbolizes success. Meanwhile, Kawamori-sensei certainly has a battroid design in mind for the Sv-154, if this Macross Δ Blu-Ray liner note is any indication. https://www.reddit.com/r/macross/comments/70tqne/is_this_official_art_or_just_fan_art_of_the_sv154/ And which episode of Macross 7 is it that features the VF-14? At what point in the storyline of the Protodeviln War is there time to feature the VF-14 in action?
  11. Why do the VF-17 and VF-171 from General Galaxy lack the battroid head turret-less design of practically every other fighter in the Galaxy design family (SV-51, VF-9. VF-14, Fz-109, Sv-154, Sv-262)?
  12. That might be a bit awkward since one of the main plot reasons for the YF-30 was its ability to break through fold faults.....which the production-model VF-31 can't do. That sure would have been useful against Windermere, wouldn't it?
  13. Given the plot precedent of Sayonara no Tsubasa, that will probably be the case. Though, a disturbing possibility arises: what poor returning character will gets to be a member of the incompetent χάος?
  14. I wonder where these other two-thirds Macrosses will come from: χάος garrisons from other Brisingr planets or from outside the Brisingr Globular Cluster. As has been pointed out before, the Cluster has many NUN colonies scattered throughout, and yet the TV anime only showed one Macross vessel during the war for the galaxy.
  15. Isn't it relevant to mention that the SDF-1 Macross was built by someone else before being salvaged, refurbished, and relaunched by the U.N. Spacy? Presumably at some point before 1999 other Macross-type gun destroyers owned by the Supervision Army/Meltrandi (depending on the story) must have existed.
  16. I'm with Seto Kaiba. This franchise has consistently done things like pronounce VF-25 as "bui-efu nijūgo". I favor the explanation that Macross 29 as "tsū nain" is just an unusual creator intention.
  17. ...? What is this from?
  18. The Elysion is two-thirds the size of the SDF-1 and SDFN series. I'm not sure if the past week's trailer is the first confirmation or not that there is an entire two-thirds Macross series just as there is an entire quarter Macross series.
  19. Probably still a long shot for a compilation movie, but if this movie is adding more Two-Thirds type Macrosses and an Armored Pack for the VF-31S, then perhaps the Windermerean military will have some more diversity with the Sv-154 in action.
  20. Am I to understand that Michael Blanc's legal given name「ミハエル」/ (Mihaeru) is the Hebrew form of the name while his nickname "Michel"「ミシェル」/ (Misheru) is the French form?
  21. I hope we eventually get noun names for Macross 17 and 23 so they're not just lonely in lists alongside Valiant (16)1, Galaxy (21), Frontier (25), and the yet to be numbered Olympia, Odysseus, and Challenger. 1. As I understand from Japanese Wikipedia and other people's Internet posts, Macross Valiant has never been alternatively referred to as "Macross 16", but they are the 46th Super Long Distance Immigration Fleet, and if Macross 7 is the 37th, Macross Galaxy is the 51st, and Macross Frontier is the 55th, then 2 + 2 = 4.
  22. Well it's not as though the NUNG has any other countermeasures against Vár syndrome.
  23. Maybe Windermere's strategy this time around is to soften up the NUN by waging a propaganda war against Walküre.
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