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Everything posted by SMS007

  1. I still don’t fully understand the bombing of Carlyle because the TV series’s writing was a complete mess. Multiple episodes’ details don’t line up to me even in the plot context of secrets. Did Wright sympathetically contact the Windermerians? Did command know specifically about the Sigur Berrentzs underneath Derwent? How did Wright get ahold of the Dimension Eater? Was it outright theft or did he trick his way into a mission from his superiors? And if command could remotely operate a VF-22, then why didn’t they just use a Ghost to deploy the Dimension Eater?
  2. Eh, I think I should point out that the romanized spelling of マラン is "Marin". In any case, unfortunately, I'm going to guess that "corrupt" is indeed how the second movie will portray Lauri Marin or whatever Spacy commander will be present, assuming that is part of the plot. After all, the movie offhandedly depicts the N.U.N.S. as the ones in the wrong for instigating the Windermerian War of Independence and stealing the Star Singer's DNA, even as the TV series utterly failed at making the Windermerians sympathetic villains.
  3. You said it, my good fellow.
  4. You could no-prize it as Fury was summarizing / lying to several people who were mostly new to the concept of alien invasions, but yeah, I would call it a coordination error. Like Coulson claiming “SHIELD” was a new acronym or Gamora claiming to be the last of her species.
  5. Yup. The infamous one by M. Night Shyamalan. The difference this time around is that Bryan Konietzko and Michael DiMartino are in charge.
  6. https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/09/18/new-live-action-avatar-the-last-airbender-series-coming-to-netflix Wow. I feel both great hope and great dread. Which will win out in the end?
  7. No wait, I stand slightly corrected. As the climax battle of the movie begins, the planet is correctly shown as the Al Shahal model. Ugh I’m not sure I can meaningfully distinguish between Al Shahal and Ionideth. Or for that matter, Randall from Voldor. Oh and the movie did go to the length of recycling the episode 4 / 5 concert reveal on daytime Randall into nighttime Al Shahal. Take that as you will.
  8. Yeah. Like when the climax battle begins and the Xaos fleet defolds, the Windermerian fleet is shown in orbit of what I think is the Ionideth animation model, from some TV episode. Then in multiple battle shots in the asteroid field (probably reused from multiple TV episodes, including 26), no planet is repeatedly visible behind the Windermerian ships. And when the Macrosses clear then asteroids and open fire, the Sigur Berrentzs is in front of the Ragna animation model. This movie was piss-poor on astrogeography.
  9. I'm mildly surprised that after the VF-19 and VF-22 became special forces models in conjunction with the general VF-171 across many regions, there has yet to be a clear case of a special forces counterpart to a main fifth generation fighter as of 2067. I reason, in the vein of what Seto has said, if the ISC requires the rare and expensive fold quartz to begin with, no one can really go anywhere with mass-producing any super prototype fighter. I would love to see the VF-24 in action to see if central N.U.N.S. has a need for a fifth generation special forces model, but that is most likely a fruitless question to ask given that Kawamori-sensei has shown little inclination to revisit the core sectors in future Macross works.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/groups/macrossdelta/permalink/1907062372931373/ Wow, Grasion, Elysion, and Megasion together in formation almost makes me like the movie! Almost.
  11. I believe the line of thinking is that they tried really hard to be Star Wars-esque action movies. e.g. Ground vehiccle scenes unbecoming of Trek.
  12. *shrug* Frontier did it good enough for me. As for Delta, kill all those ultranationalist liars with fire and tear down the corrupt Windermere dynasty.
  13. I love that the heroes in Frontier killed the villains. I hate that the villains in Δ got away with everything and kept their pitiful lives. Oh yeah and it's dumb that 7 ended with the main villain keeping his stolen body.
  14. I could more-or-less follow what was going on though I was by no means happy with how messy the cinematography was. Stupid. Lens. Flares. Also, Abrams you fool. A black hole looks like a sphere in three dimensional space. Not a hole in a piece of paper!
  15. Well, regardless of his lack of resemblance to young Leonard Nimoy, we will find out soon enough whether he can capture the Spock performance to our expectations. That is what will truly matter.
  16. Haha, when the Into Darkness trailer debuted years ago, that was my reaction to our first glimpse of the Vengeance. But other than size, the Vengeance has nothing in common with the Excelsior. NX-2000 and its class are a legally and publicly developed next generation Starfleet multipurpose explorers, not warships with ominous colors and mind-blowingly powerful weapons that scream evil.
  17. I have played shooter video games since I was 5 and never have I ever bought my own handgun (though it is, of course, legal in the U.S.). So every time idiots or people with agendas blame violent video games for school shootings, I am infuriated at the lies. They need to be dumped in the UK or Australia or Japan to see their stupidity made manifest.
  18. Uh, I think you mean Beyond got rid of most lens flares. Into Darkness was notorious for having them at inopportune moments.
  19. If each Star Trek movie had its own thread on this forum, then should a mod split this discussion into its own thread?
  20. Well, consider every major fiction franchise that can have bursts of major productions years apart. When have the mainstream creators ever felt beholden to stories that a far less numerous fanbase cares about? Loath as I am to admit it, Trek novel fans are far outnumbered by the mainstream audience that will consume the Discovery TV series. It's standard industry practice to do a Disney and dump out the ancillary expanded universe in favor of telling their own story. I am impressed that some elements in the novel Desperate Hours made it onscreen, but that was due to Mack writing the novel in cooperation with the TV writers just as the entire series began production, a set of extraordinary circumstances. Beyer already supervised the recent Succession comic miniseries that went with a completely different take on the mirror universe than Pocket's late-2000s early 2010s novels. I would love for the novel continuity to be preserved, but historical precedent says that's an unlikely chain of events.
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