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Everything posted by SMS007

  1. Aha, I see. Well that's just shitty. Seibertron has dealt with plenty of Taiwanese sources before; they should be perfectly aware of Kevin Liu. I would know; my family is from Taiwan. For comparison is it not fair for Austrians to not be mislabeled as "Germans" or Canadians to not be mislabeled as "Americans"? Never personally used Amazon Japan, but I believe yes, I don't know, and no, just as you suspect. For the second one I would assume you have to sign up for Prime all over again with the Japanese account.
  2. Kevin Liu is Taiwanese, not Chinese.
  3. Damn, that's why Martin has been nearly absent thus far in the season. Meanwhile, John Wesley Shipp is evidently returning as 1990 Flash for "Elseworlds"! And also, here is what appears to be a still from the finished "Elseworlds" footage.
  4. Also, I would love to know what the Delta crew was smoking when they titled their whole franchise iteration Δ / Delta and yet the titular combat unit doesn't fly the delta-shaped variant sub-model. They should have titled the whole shebang Macross Walküre to be more on-point.
  5. Y'know, I would love to see a realistic take on the psychological effects of parents who are given a depopulated Earth and have children en masse. Realistically, that would almost certainly lead to generational clashes if not allow for rampant abuse. But, Japan would never show that. Like how anime never acknowledges the unfairness of shouldering the responsibility for reversing the declining birth rate on the generation who was given a terrible economy and told to suck it up.
  6. I watched the first episode of Gridman. It seems to hold promise. I don’t get why so much of the “camera” work was so janky though. I thought at moments that my Internet connection was lagging.
  7. Am I just stupid or is there no way for a regular user to change the title of a thread they created? I would like to adjust "webseries" to "streaming series".
  8. Is that not an unnecessary limit on Vulcan culture? Consider if aliens visited a real life U.S. military base. Would it not be disappointingly unimaginative of them to assume that all persons on the base are representative of what U.S. military personnel look like during long term field missions? Or leave? Or while experiencing personal crises? Or that military standards are universal across Earth?
  9. Watched the premiere of Sword Art Online: Alicization. I love the new OP by LiSA! Looks like the coming ~12 months will hold promise.
  10. Did the announcement brand it as a 35th anniversary project, or was the announcement event a 35th anniversary celebration?
  11. Pre Vizsla's voice actor is helming a project set between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, and nothing has been said thus far about excluding Sabine Wren! The project was first announced last November, Favreau was announced as the writer in March, and this week we learned the title and premise and got our first image of the titular gunfighter. https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/3/17934746/star-wars-jon-favreau-live-action-disney-show-the-mandalorian https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/10/04/star-wars-first-photo-from-the-mandalorian-revealed
  12. Did no one here watch RWBY Volume 5??? Volume 6 is coming up at the end of this month.
  13. Hayate mentions ARIEL in Delta episode 6 / the opening sequence of Gekijō no Walküre when he launches for Ionideth.
  14. Yup, on background graphics that the producers never realized would be visible with the HD camera angle. It will probably be ignored by a future canon work.
  15. And Lady M affirms that the stupidly naïve Walküre view that music is not a weapon was wrong all along.
  16. The writers, for drama.
  17. I was about to make a FIRRIB joke, but then it occurred to me that Frenzy might actually be in this movie, and not in his 2007 silver coloration.
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