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Everything posted by SMS007

  1. If Isamu was in the vicinity of Earth in 2040 but in 2059 his colonial SMS garrison was able to join the battle of the Vajra homeworld, then did he join a colony fleet immediately after the events of Macross Plus? Never to expectably see Earth again? That just sounds rough. How long would Chelsea Scarlett have had to spend aboard a transit vessel to be a parliamentarian on Earth in 2067?
  2. I know, right? Sara's superstitious nature, which the scientifically-developed Tori no Hito didn't question in the slightest, was a plot point I disliked about Macross Zero.
  3. Were humans, as with the Zentradi, directly manufactured by the Protoculture in laboratories, or did the Protoculture merely influence Earth wildlife in the outdoors to evolve into humans? Or did actual Protohumanoids permanently settle on Earth and their descendants forgot about their extraterrestrial origins to become humans? Or is the exact detail unknown because the creators don't consider it relevant to the current story?
  4. Wow, and in Macross F episode 25, the Vajra fold at Grace's command from the their homeworld to NUN territories all across the galaxy in what appears to be instantaneous travel. Goddamn that's so unfair.
  5. Suppose that NUNS Earth loaded up a Macross class ship with the latest fold boosters and power generators. How fast could one ship with all that tech get from Earth to, let's say Ragna?
  6. Alright, thanks!
  7. Not about mecha, but somewhat related: when was the first outbreak of Vár syndrome? Also, are any of the Δ manga still running? In any case, how many chapters does each have? Wikipedia will only tell me how many tankōbon each series has, but I know it's not uncommon for monthly manga to skip a month now and then.
  8. Aha, I forgot to include the novelization in that. But yes, that is what I was looking for, thanks. *sigh* Damn. Because of the Galaxy conspiracy sacrificing their fleet to advance Vajra research, we'll probably never hear about these again.
  9. During the Vajra War (TV or movies), did Galaxy NUNS field any other fighter models other than the VF-27 that we just didn't see onscreen?
  10. I haven't read/seen the relevant material, but you may want to keep in mind that the Macross franchise probably ignores the realistic timescale fine details of that just like most sci-fi franchises. After all, Mikumo in Δ is only 3 and yet she has the language skills of an adult.
  11. Well I concede that this isn't technically correct terminology, but think about it. Ask a random average Macross fan what an average VF-31 looks like. Are they going to think of the generic 31A model that we could barely see close-up in Δ, or will they think of the five signature Siegfrieds spotlighted in all Δ material?
  12. I think what RealJayDee means is a further evolution of what we already got onscreen in Δ. After all, the Siegfrieds in real-life terms are the 31s in general knowledge.
  13. Why is there such a serious color discrepancy between the animated VF-171EX and the DX Chogokin? Is that just an operational hazard with white palettes? Also, I see that the white VF-171EX has those large black weapon accessories in the Frontier TV anime, but in Sayonara no Tsubasa, there is no 171EX; rather Frontier NUNS's standard teal 171 has the large black attachments. Is that just how it works with the Nightmare Plus?
  14. I wonder if Gekijō no Walküre and the new TV anime will form a kind of scenario like Plus and 7 with the storytelling. Plus debuted the experimental YF-19 and YF-21 of 2040, and then 7 gave us the production model VF-19 and VF-22 of 2045/2046. And as this new TV anime is coming only 2 years after Δ, reuse of the animation elements seems probable. Now somewhere the upcoming TV anime will surely debut a VF-35 in commemoration of the 35th anniversary of Macross. A new sub-franchise has to have some new signature for itself. Gekijō no Walküre seems a logical place to debut a YF-35 in anticipation, but that's probably too much of a longshot hope. I wonder if such a VF-35 in the new series will be another derivative of the YF-24.
  15. And the whole series ends with no comment on the still-comatose inhabitants of Al Shahal. Sure Walküre will probably handle that but of course the Windermereans will get away scot-free with that too. And the whole time the series stupidly pretends no one could have actually died in that incident because they were affected in the middle of operating hazardous equipment at the time.
  16. Insofar as Macross's "true canon" goes, do the YF-19 and YF-21 have model names? Macross 30 calls them "Excalibur" and "Sturmvögel" [sic], but I've never seen this anywhere else. And none of the YF-24 family shares names between the YF and VF models. And on that note: I don't understand how someone screwed up "Sturmvogel" as the plural form "Sturmvögel". I've never seen this particular kind of spelling error before in a Japanese work.
  17. Interesting that the Macross Vajra's name is not spelled as either of the katakana renditions (ヴァジラ/ヴァジュラ) listed on Japanese Wikipedia. I certainly wonder if, had that been the case, then perhaps Macross publications wouldn't be plagued with the variant spellings "Bajura"/"Bajra". Also, are we to really believe that prior to 2040, no one in the UN had any knowledge of the Vajra? The Zentradi can roam everywhere in the Milky Way over the Protoculture's former domain and yet they don't have any useful data available? What kind of military caste doesn't keep geographic records of armed and dangerous lifeforms?
  18. I don't suppose there happens to be any information about the presumed VF-24? Or a production-model VF-29?
  19. Are there any worlds in the Brisingr Cluster actually populated by native sentient species? Are Windermere, Ragna, and Voldor the only ones? I fail to feel any sympathy for the Wind regime for suspending the sovereignty of millions of humans (and Zentradi and Ragnans and Voldorians) and expecting good things to happen.
  20. Is the species name "Vajra" (バジュラ) mean to be a reference to the Sanskrit word of South Asian religion, or is "Vajra" just a made-up sci-fi word coincidentally similar to the Sanskrit term?
  21. What's everyone betting that we'll see a fully-modeled Sv-154 in Gekijō no Walküre?
  22. I guess that's yet another wasted opportunity to add the pile of Delta let us down on the setup yet again. Now I personally don't always need the symbolism of Western dragons as monsters who need to be annihilated; I rather enjoy a share of Eastern-style works featuring ryū as benevolent kami. But here we have a whole TV anime following up on the naming precedents in Macross 30 and expanding that into Siegfried versus Drakens. And the bloodstained killers who operate the Drakens basically get away scot-free. Count me under unimpressed.
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