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Everything posted by SMS007

  1. Fighter models like the 11, 19, 25, and 31 utilize Super Packs in space as a general rule. But the 17, 22, and 27 don't; as I recall at least the 17 is a space superiority fighter. Do the latter models have any inherent disadvantage to atmospheric flight then? As they don't shed weight in general for atmospheric flight.
  2. Wind terrorists need to suffer and die for their crimes.
  3. How many variable fighters besides VF-1, VF-5000, VF-17, Sv-154, and Sv-262 have direct real-world inspirations?
  4. Anime News Network writeup. Key visual: Looks like Arad is getting an Armored Pack for his VF-31S!
  5. Am I correct in presuming that fold quartz is not really silicon dioxide, with the name merely coming about because of visual resemblance?
  6. But isn't the Bird Human icon on the Vajra homeworld likely just the original source that the Protoculture copied for their art? Or are you suggesting that the icon Brera saw in Macross F episode 25 is in fact a millennia-old carving crafted by a Protohumanoid who ventured to the Vajra homeworld?
  7. I'm a bit surprised the Windermereans didn't just have Epsilon build some dimensional warheads for them. Not like Space Nazis are strangers to hypocrisy. In any case, that fold quartz is probably going to go towards fold weaponry of some kind used by the next TV anime's antagonists. You and/or other people in the know via Japanese books say that the Anti-UN remnants/General Galaxy/Epsilon have been a looming threat on the galactic stage, as I recall.
  8. How convenient for the Windermereans then.
  9. This has probably been asked already and I'm just not using the right search terms, but is the VF-31 capable of bypassing dimensional barriers like the YF-30? Surely Rion Sakaki breaking Yurva Arga's fold barrier with the help of Nekki Basara was considered a highlight of Aisha Blanchett's model's performance.
  10. Haha, this comes to mind.
  11. Thanks for the explanation although my opinion remains unchanged.
  12. Am I to understand that the official Delta English subtitles present「マクロス・エリシオン 」/ "Makurosu Erishion" as "Macross Elysium"? In line with how several onscreen hull markings use "Aether" for the left arm carrier vessel 「 アイテール 」/ "Aitēru"?
  13. I don't like how RVF-25 and RVF-171EX have the "R" in front. I prefer how electronic warfare VF-31E has the designating letter at the end.
  14. Oh wow, thanks for dispensing the information, Seto Kaiba!
  15. I have seen those episodes; I'm just pointing out that without demonstrations from unusual sources, the humans of Star Trek and Macross would be nowhere. Now from a storytelling perspective I suppose it's all the same. But from my real-life perspective, I feel that it's a bit of cheating that humans magically acquire operable tech and mass-producing it; they didn't develop it on their own. Also, I should probably have clarified my earlier statement. When I said "23rd century stagnation", I wasn't talking in-universe terms. I meant in real life the Star Trek franchise has basically gone nowhere past 2379 (Star Trek Nemesis) in canon works because Paramount and co. are obsessed with milking all the cash they can from Kirk and Spock and their era yet again.
  16. Heh. One wonders, assuming that the Vajra actually developed all of their science and technology on their own, how long they had to spend charting their core sectors, unlike humans having access to at least some Zentradi navigational data. The story of Star Trek (or at least once they finally get past their TOS 23rd century stagnation) depends on the human-dominated Federation acquiring technology from all sorts of sources rather than independently developing things on their own. Vulcans, extinct ancient civilizations, future-originating time travelers, etc.
  17. The Vajra's sublight propulsion still makes not a lick of sense. How does it make any sense that they "swim" in a vacuum?
  18. Well now. How convenient for the Vajra.
  19. That has nothing to do with my question. I mean physical resources, not data. You can have all the knowledge in the world but without supplies you can't put the data to use.
  20. Where the hell do the Vajra get all their supplies from? The TV anime expects us to believe that after a few encounters with Macross Frontier every single Vajra in the galaxy started growing anti-reaction detonation armor. How? No one in the universe could possibly have infinite resources!
  21. Hey Seto Kaiba, you have previously stated that the YF-29 is the only fighter model to compare with the ultra-OP VF-24. Is it your conjecture then, that the YF-29 is superior to the VF-27 in combat capability? My perception of the climax of Sayonara no Tsubasa is that Alto only managed to avoid getting shot down by Brera because Ranka's fold singing disrupted Brera's concentration.
  22. The cyborg operator is the default specification for Galaxy NUNS's VF-27s in Macross Frontier, as Macross Galaxy's amoral leadership forced everyone in the fleet to adopt cybernetics at their whim. Some later civilian-owned VF-27s, as seen in Macross 30 and Macross Extra, appear to have been modified to allow for purely organic operators. (Hávamál and SMS Uroboros in the Macross 30 game also field VF-27s, but Seto Kaiba says that aspect of the game is of dubious canonicity) As for how extensive cyberneticization is in Macross, it's ambiguous exactly how high the percentage is. I want to say Macross Galaxy's cyborgs have more of their original body than just their brains, but when Grace got shot up by Frontier NUNS in Sayonara no Tsubasa, she was leaking mechanical fluid from all over her body, no red blood in sight.
  23. Ha, and that doesn't account for the possibility that the Zentradi conquered and enslaved humanity either. But of course, all Protohumanoids are dead and can't be held accountable for their incompetence. So it goes.
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