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Everything posted by CrossAir

  1. You made me curious. Just checked my original Klan kit, the parts in there have indeed the same darker skin tone, too!
  2. The Special Edition Set for the VF25s came in today. As expected, it contains the water decals, face and other body parts for both girls and a instruction sheet for placing the decals. Klan parts do have a much darker skin tone than those of the other girl. Anyways, don‘t think I will use these parts. Perhaps only the face parts to create some other expressions.
  3. Never was a big fan of those older MiGs but this one looks absolutely beautiful Nice shots!
  4. Come on guys. I thought at least this one would be an easy go. But ok, as it is one of my favorite VF-1 designs, somehow it will fit together
  5. Several arrivals within the last days after a long time. Got my first Sheryl figure, although I have to build her myself. But that Unicorn is really really a big box! I was shocked as I saw how many parts this thing has, don't know how long it will take me to build. And fconsidering it's only 1/100 scale whereas the VF-1S in the tiny box from Hasegawa is 1/72 it is even more scary. I think that are enough kits to build this year already
  6. +1 but the Blitz is my favorite here
  7. I see, I have to proceed to step 5 ASAP
  8. Lucky you! I’m totally out of space to place something like this at home . Could get rid of a part of wifes’ closets but in the long term I won’t be happy with it
  9. Two turrets look cool, but I think it is a bit too much for the size of your ship. IMHO one light gun is the most realistic setup.
  10. Just ordered via this link (it says it's on sale since Dec 24): https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/shopping/aoshima-bk_6179?lang=en&rc=yshop
  11. First of all Happy Holidays to you all as well! I just got myself an elf for Christmas! Santas yellow-red postal sleigh just came by. Almost nine months late but who cares, perfect timing for a Christmas present to myself
  12. Ow, even with Pixie Team logos I did on the VF-25S myself. That'S even more annoying now
  13. Now that my VF-25G Klan Klang kit has arrived I just noticed that there are no water decals for the markings included, just for the eyes. The rest are only those awful stickers sheets. That's really annoying me now, because I can't print the white SMS003 lettering. Why did they added water decals with SMS markings to the first VF25 kit and not in this one, too?
  14. Yeah, she looks a little bit like she just swallowed a fly whilst in mid air
  15. Early Xmas present: Klan Klang arrived along with some Gundam goodie
  16. I have been absent from model building for more than three months. You guys have posted a lot of great builds and projects during this time. Awesome! So I just started over again with some Hexa Gear kits (two more figures and a crossbike) to add to my Bulkarm Alpha. Planning to put them in a small diorama. Just finished the last figure today and this is a first example for the planned setup (I have to go on a hike and get me some rubble to place around the mech):
  17. Had to wait a little time longer but it finally came in today. But already discovered those tiny flaws on several parts all around in the light grey glossy painted surfaces. Tiny, but still visible if you look a little closer. Somehow I would have preferred a more matte finish like my Qant. But all in all I love this design.
  18. My least order from Mandarake showed up today. With this my Robot Spirits line from Cross Ange is finally complete. Unfortunately, because there would be several cool variants of heavily armed mechas to come up with. But my display case is crowded enough by now anyways
  19. No toy today, just something to read...uh... pictures to watch
  20. Just pre-ordered at NY. Always thought to get a completed figure of ED but now I believe this kit will turn out way better. I love these cables attached to the guns.
  21. Wow, that’s huge, isn’t it? How’s the interior?
  22. Perhaps some kind of „hook“ towards the inner side of the saucer could help?
  23. +1 @peter When I followed your first steps of bringing this kit together I never thought it could end this good! It's almost a pity that the finish covers up all the hardship you've gone through
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