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Everything posted by treiz

  1. It's trying to have it both ways. It wants to have table top gaming characters and situations and present them in the most realistic and unflinching way possible. It wants to be an arcade game and a simulator game at the same time, or it's trying to be Konosuba and Berserk at the same time. It's a bit of a mess tonally. You have unrealistic characters in unrealistic situations making unrealistic choices in a world that often and explicitly exacts VERY VERY realistic consequences. It doesn't mesh well IMHO. The latest episode seems to be toning down the gaming themes, so perhaps it will soon find more even footing.
  2. excellent choice!
  3. Yes, they do offer it. Great show.
  4. With Mecha designs straight out of Heroman. Only the finest high quality animation ecchi for me. >.>
  5. Just finished tsundere children and AHO-girl
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