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Vermillion One

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Everything posted by Vermillion One

  1. I like the Magnus. Neat item, wish I would have picked up the diaclone version.
  2. That is one impressive build. I cant wait to see it with with your custom planes. Nice work.
  3. Me too! Nice work like always.
  4. I am interested in one launch vehicle as well.
  5. That pic was from ebay, the sellers first id was loshu93 I think. It used to show up here a lot, with the same replies of 'I wish I new where he lived' each time.
  6. Looks great, another unique custom.
  7. I need to amend my order to two sets please.
  8. Oh yes, when did they ship out? Last week. Thanks again, I cant wait.
  9. They look great, I cant wait to get my hands on a set.
  10. Payment sent for 3 kits. Thanks again.
  11. Actually, please put me down for three. For whatever reason the 1D has always been my favorite valk so I may as well do it right.
  12. I would like three total, non pigmented if possible.
  13. These look great, I am interested in two sets.
  14. Great job. I always have liked the TV Max scheme.
  15. This is some nice work. I especially like this one...
  16. You've removed the mystery. Either way, its still cool. Maybe something similiar will make it into production.
  17. Exactly, I am tired of repaints myself, but these look too good to pass up.
  18. I hope that isn't a custom, definitely need a couple more decepticons. I can't wait for these, they look great.
  19. On that note, is anyone interested in a 'Checkpoint?' I have an extra for $9 shipped.
  20. If there is a way to pick up a couple of shirts, I am interested on a couple of XL's.
  21. Thanks for the update. They both look great.
  22. That thing is lame. Really lame. I owned one for a short time, its easily the worst of matchbox's RT offerings, and that is saying something.
  23. Beautiful job, Jung. The shading is excellent, as always. Nice collection Pat. Seriously, how do these stack up, appearance wise to the RT Masterpieces? I realize that the details aren't comparable, but for size and general appearance.
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