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Vermillion One

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Everything posted by Vermillion One

  1. I am suprised at how much I liked the Night Specter. I knew I would want the AWE striker and HISS tanks, but when I saw the NS in person I had to pick it up too.
  2. Thats not a bad deal for all three. If I didnt have them or have them on order, I would consider it.
  3. I thought that may be the case since they were having problems with the order system last week (why my order for the red didnt show up, I was told). I checked my filters and I hadn't received a reply. I just needed to make sure I was able to receive them since my PO is a pain and would send them back to Japan if I cant sign for them within 3 days of their arrival.
  4. Yeah its odd, they were really good about communicating the blue release, but I didnt place the red and green order through their site and I havent been able to get a straight answer from them. I need to know since I will be out of town in early May and moving shortly thereafter.
  5. Great connector bar Sam, that looks much better than the original.
  6. They shipped my blue legioss very quickly. However, I have placed an order for the red with them, and I cannot get them to respond to my emails.
  7. Has anyone found the TRU chain of command figures? I cant find them anywhere and now they have been removed from the website.
  8. Mine couldnt hold the gun either, so I use it as a shoulder mounted cannon. The bar attaching it to the top of the buggy allows for that movement.
  9. First, let me say that I havent been this excited about a toy in a long time. My first impression is that the Tread is nice, but the Legioss is horrible. I hate to say it but the dimensions seem really off with short stubby arms and elongated legs. I never thought I would say this, but they should have borrowed an idea from Toynami and used the Imai mold as a base.
  10. I like incinerator, its a unique mold and alt form. I do wish it alternate hands, or claws. It would have been really easy for Hasbro since the rotors clip on and off anyhow.
  11. Does anyone know a way to order the Iota if you arent in Japan? Is there anyone that would be willing to act as an intermediary?
  12. I realize that QC is an issue, but I have had my Ride Armors for a few days now and I dont see any need to handle the windshield. Being able to touch and transform these is point, but they are fragile little toys, so dont slam them around like transformers classics, and you should be fine.
  13. I am a little concerned about these being really small and cheaply made so I am torn about my order. They look decent, far better than the nothing we have gotten from toynami or anyone else, but lack of options shouldn't drive a $250 toy purchase.
  14. Has the Masterpiece SS made it to the East Coast yet? I havent seen any in North Carolina, or Michigan either for that matter.
  15. Metroplex would be a good release and then ehobby could come out with a Metrotitan. Judging from previous ehobby releases, a reissue Metrotitan would no doubt cost more than a vintage version off of ebay.
  16. Whats the big deal about the transformers score? Which one is everyone clamoring over? There are two on Amazon and both are listed as soundtracks.
  17. Head to the Walmart at I40 and 15-501 in Durham there were at least 10 of them there yesterday.
  18. There are tons of new voyager class and Deluxe class (rescue ratchet is actually on shelves now) out at both Target and Walmart here in NC. It looks like the QC for some of the figures is pretty poor. Payload and Dropkick both look like they arent completely transformed in the packaging (lots of seams) and there are cut marks on the seams of payload. However I have seen a ton of concept Bumblebee and Arcee lately.
  19. Where are you in NC? I ran into Wave 3 in a Target in Durham but didnt pick them up. I have been looking everywhere for Sigma figures and cant find the new commando set or the new combat figures.
  20. That looks great, I didnt even know it was out yet. All I have seen are Jazz and Starscream.
  21. I like titanium UM. For some reason, I have most of the titaniums, missing Cheetor (which I want), and the Megatrons (which I dont) and Scourge (which I am ambivalent about). If anyone is interested in trading a MISB UM or Fallen or some combination with cash for a MISB Cheetor let me know. I am on the SS list and my ebay name is silvershamrock.
  22. Dropkick is pretty cool, I may have to pick him up next time I see him.
  23. I picked up the G1 Titanium Magnus from Target today as well. Too bad I had ordered it from BBTS last week.
  24. Thanks. I share your same preference.
  25. OK, I scrolled through a large chunck of this thread looking for what happened to Barracade between the highway and the final battle. Did I miss something or did he not make it to Mission City?
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