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Vermillion One

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Everything posted by Vermillion One

  1. What an amazing build. Great work as always.
  2. Any idea when the preorders will open on the armory?
  3. Do you have any other details? Such as timing or whether or not one will be an exclusive? This is definitely the third party highlight of Q1 for me.
  4. So you are saying there's a chance for a Legioss update?
  5. If the preorder hasnt closed, I will take one as well.
  6. ...its Blaster. So we can get a repaint and a bunch more overpriced tapes.
  7. That's great work, it looks seamless. This is the Beagle I wanted. They could have charged half again more for this and the Fuke and I still would have picked them with no reservations.
  8. I really like the 89 batmobile, any idea of the cheapest source for one now? BBTS has them, but at a $100 markup from the original preorder.
  9. There is a discount? I want to pick up the full conversion kit.
  10. The TFC sculpt works for some groups. I own Hercules and Perseus (don't ask) but I passed on Uranos, simply because I cant spend $600 on something that only kind of looks good in combined mode. Having said that, I don't think I can pass on Computron. The Technobots alt modes are unique enough that I can accept liberal interpretations provide they preserve the late 80's color scheme. One predaking was enough, two bred nice competition, three was market saturation leading to either cancellations or clearance (of most likely only certain members of the group from each manufacturer, making it a pain to collect), four (especially with Justitoys) is a waste.
  11. That soundwave looks great. I hope that these show up on shelves long enough for me to pick one up.
  12. Is anyone going to TFCON? Please drop me a PM if you would be willing to pick up extras of the igear exclusives. I am happy to pay a finders fee.
  13. Amazon dropped their preorder price on Metroplex to $114 and will apparently be sharing the Predaking exclusive.
  14. Where can you buy the Miracle Productions VV? BBTS cancelled their preorders a while back and I am looking for a new source....
  15. Thanks, please post it, I am interested in them, but have never owned any of this Alternity mold.
  16. Does anyone have the new Alternity Super GT figures? Its a steep price for a cool paint job, but I am looking for some reviews/opinions before pulling the trigger.
  17. Has anyone here collected the TFC Uranos figures to date? Are they on par with the Hercules figures for quality? I am on the fence between picking them up now and wait for reissues or a box set.
  18. Beautiful work.
  19. Beautiful kit and a solid choices on the coloring and detail. I missed out on this one, but if there are any lurkers out there looking to sell, please send me a PM...
  20. I remember these, they were awesome customs. Lots of great craftsmanship lost when people stop paying attention to 1/55 valks.
  21. That looks great, do you happen to have the 1/32 Legioss kit to compare it to?
  22. I placed my order with NY and immediately received an invoice notice. I haven't ordered with them before and although it says 'awaiting payment' there is no way to complete the transaction from my order history.
  23. That's beautiful.
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