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Vermillion One

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Everything posted by Vermillion One

  1. Are you going for a 2007 movie combiner? Brawl could be too obvious, but what about Bonecrusher? Rook could be modified and painted to match.
  2. Did anyone here pick up the Han and Chewie set? I was holding out for the issue with the cockpit, but now I regret not picking it up.
  3. Vermillion One

    Hi-Metal R

    I had ordered 3 regults with HLJ, all of which I ordered at the same time in one order (only later did the qty drop down change). I had accidentally placed two orders for the 1S, and had already cancelled one of them.
  4. Vermillion One

    Hi-Metal R

    Has HLJ cancelled anyone else's orders? The cancelled my VF-1S order and all but one of my Regults.
  5. Vermillion One

    Hi-Metal R

    Both the VF-1S and Regult are in stock at HLJ.
  6. Vermillion One

    Hi-Metal R

    Its back in stock at HLJ http://hlj.com/product/BANN01263/Act
  7. Anyone here interested in the Fewture Getters or Mazinger/Great Mazinger?
  8. I am interested in a set of N-ger and Monster decals please.
  9. The DX9 Astrotrain, Mirage, and Cy-Kill are all very solid 3P figures. I am on the fence with Galvatron. I wanted to pick up Cyclonus and Scourge in the same style, but may drop them both after seeing the DX9 Galvatron. I just need to see him standing straight, that pose makes me think hes got spindly legs.
  10. What is the best source for the Figuarts Captain America? Of course I missed the preorder and don't want to resort to ebay if I can avoid it.
  11. I thought there was something off about the midsection, until I looked up some pics from the cartoon. Ironhide is pretty faithful to the source material. Now i just need to figure out if its worth replacing my igear ironhide.
  12. Thanks for the tip, I have been looking for a place to move large parts of my collection without the hassle of ebay.
  13. I am pretty excited for Tracks. I hadn't realized how much taller he is than Sideswipe and Prowl. It will be good to have some height variation on the shelf rather than just Prime and Magnus towering above the group. This is making me rethink not ordering Road Rage.
  14. Apparently I missed that part....thanks
  15. Anyone ever order from bandaionline.com? I cant find much in the way of reviews for the website, but they do have a tempting price on the DX Great Mazinger.
  16. Any ideas on where to order that Great Mazinger?
  17. Hopefully the Hound rumors will be confirmed and we'll get some prototype pictures to compare to the 3rd party options. I would love a Sunstreaker and Jazz. I am not really impressed with either of the third party offerings for those characters. Any ideas why the Decepticons aren't being made? It seems like automobiles are easier, smaller, and less expensive for the consumer, at least compared to the Decepticons already released. Having said that I would love a set of coneheads, Galvatron, Cyclonus, and even Scourge.
  18. I never compared it to Giant or Hercules, I only wondered why the lack of articulation in voyager sized figures and giant air gaps in the limbs had become acceptable on a $150 toy. The simple fact that construction vehicles are cool, and kids think they are cool, doesn't mean that the majority of the purchases are going to be made by parents for children at the point of sale without supportive marketing (appearance in cartoons, etc.). How many kids own a Titan Metroplex? Its absolutely a collectors toy. I worked in finance at TRU, dealing directly with vendors (Hasbro, Mattel, etc) Hasbro specifically developed toys collectors market, including exclusives aimed directly at that niche. This is a bigger extension of that strategy.
  19. Out of curiosity, how many of your kids are getting a $140 devastator? Honestly, do kids know who Devastator is?. Is he in current renditions of tv offering, in this form in the movies? I am sorry but its not a true mass market toy. I am not saying its not a solid toy, I just don't think its worth $140. I own Hercules and Giant and have trouble justifying them too.
  20. Define mass market, there will clearly be more volume produced from the Hasbro product, but with considerable more overhead throughout their supply chain. Even the most highly integrated big box stores will not allocate space to this item through Christmas. Its poorly conceived and executed.
  21. Devastator looks like a knock off, with plastic molded tires, lack of articulation, and giant gaps in the individual bots limbs. It it were a 3rd party product it would be getting trashed on the forums.
  22. Agreed. For some reason I cant put KFC Magnus away. I picked up the diaclone version on clearance and feel its far superior to the Takara release. Maybe it was the (relative) bargain, but its easily a top 10 figure for articulation and accuracy. On another note, is anyone looking for a Guttur? I have decided to pick up the Fanstoys Dinobots and dont need him in my collection...
  23. Please count me in for a decal run, I would purchase two sets. Thanks. And it would be awesome to piggyback for the monster decals.
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