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Vermillion One

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Everything posted by Vermillion One

  1. There is that point, but I don't want Hasbro to touch it anyhow.
  2. Does anyone know if there is any chance of additional Masterpiece TF's being produced? There is one that, if done properly, would almost certainly outsell Prime, Megatron. A decent Megatron would be amazing.
  3. I have enjoyed all of the Dreamwave TF stuff, even armada (although it is aided by lower expectations). I like the different styles including the 'period' TF designs of the GI Joe stories.
  4. That looks great, a nice compliment to your elint. Its good to see that customs are still being made, and a classic 1/55 no less. Great work.
  5. Thanks for the link. Now to try to build it with two hands full of thumbs.
  6. That looks so much better than the Armada paint scheme great work.
  7. Thats awesome. I like the different color scheme. Does anyone know where the link is to the pattern and instructions?
  8. Yeah, all I want is one version, the largest version they are going to produce whatever that may be. A one shot deal, I don't care if its 1/48 or 1/60 just release one. I don't feel like having 'inadequate' destroids posed next to my 'inadequate' 1/60 valks or two sets of anything else.
  9. I wouldn't mind seeing all three at once, but 12 free hours during the holiday and finals season is going to be rather difficult.
  10. Somewhere around here it was mentioned that Yamato was reissuing all of the 1/48's. But I am sure you ran across that by now.
  11. Yes, it would be nice to plan something of a budget.
  12. Yamato is just plain wrong for releasing the 1S Hikaru. We already choked down the 1A and now this. I wish that they just would have come out with the 1S to begin with. The Stampede is being made? In 1/48 scale? Maybe that will give me something to do with my 'now defunct' Hikaru 1A. I just wish they'd make a 1/48 VF-1D.
  13. Definetly looks more like Tracks or that Tracks repaint abomination Leiji (I think). I figure the Sideswipe name is just worth more in the TF realm. As for Prime, I have to get one of those. Thats one Christmas gift for myself.
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