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Vermillion One

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Everything posted by Vermillion One

  1. Yeah, no problem.
  2. I sent an email to the seller (obviously, from his post) in an attempt to identify him. I apologize for the confusion. I have been a member of these boards and have been burned and have seen many other people burned and only wanted to caution anyone before the matter could be resolved. Valkfan I apologize for the confusion and good luck with your auction. I was never accusing you of any wrong doing.
  3. Nice custom, good luck with your auction.
  4. I would be interested in a couple of these sets. I have a Henshin Robo decal sheet around somewhere. If its needed I will forward a scan once I find it.
  5. Halloween III wasn't that bad. Those great silvershamrock masks and the decomposing heads were a priceless plot twist. But then again, I thought the dicaprios Romeo and Juliet should have made the list along with Titanic. But thats just me.
  6. Unfortunately, that seems to be the point of his career. His CD is an unintentional comedy classic. It was good for about a half an hour of laughter in my lab, before it became to annoying to bear.
  7. That looks nice, great work.
  8. I think that it is very pretty. Nice work
  9. I like repitograph refillable ink pens for panel lining, although I have heard that pencil lining followed by a clear coat is a nice alternative for gray lines.
  10. The two-color RX8 release is terrible. If they must do color variants they should be released and sold separately. Hell, even give it a different name, like the lame smokescreen and silverstreak, or sideswipe, sunstreaker and deadend nonsense. Even smokescreen was initially offered as distinct versions, cars 7 and 8, by many websites, but I haven't seen that yet for Jazz/Meister. I really hope there is a distinction made for ordering purposes and the colors aren't shortpacked.
  11. I wasn't going to buy any more 1/60's but the GBP looks great. Must resist ebay
  12. At 3 grand for each turbine, I think I'll leave this to experienced RC modelers and 'pilots'. It would be cool though.
  13. I suppose there was a reason to call it 'The Untold Story'. GCMOSPEADA check your PM
  14. I hope they distribute them evenly among the three conventions. My only shot is Wizard World in Chicago.
  15. I wondered were Jean Claude went off to. I figured that being Rodman's co-star killed his career. A1, you are right, his mullet in Time Cop made it an instant classic (easily the finest movie mullet of the 90's), but the absolute star of Universal Soldier was Dolph Lungren, collecting ears in a supermarket=unintentional comedy.
  16. But with a touch up, decals and clear coat.
  17. Something like this one.
  18. The VF-1D has always been my favorite variant. I would like to see the VF-1D, the Max and Hayao TV VF-1A's and Hayao's DYRL VF-1A made in 1/48. Maybe even the CF and GBP. Wow, four years ago, I would have been happy for any new valk, much less making out a list of the those that I 'need'. Oh well, I still 'need' the VF-1D, somehow.
  19. Indianapolis, IN its no Detroit. Lat: 39° 45' 51" Long: -86° 9' 26"
  20. A perfect Zeong? Thats great news, I guess I'll have to hurry up and build the MG kit.
  21. Just sell the low vis already.
  22. I currently live in Indianapolis, by way of Detroit. Neither are anime meccas but at least in Detroit we had hockey.
  23. Nice work.
  24. Wow, that looks great. Nice work, Mike.
  25. Sithlord recognized it as Kugai from Gasaraki, but I have no idea.
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