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teckno viking

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Everything posted by teckno viking

  1. Hey Happy New Year first of all. Still Jan 2019 lol I have been quiet awhile as been working on other scales and other franchise projects. Anyway been playing with the Riobot Mospeada lately. I know when these figures came out I mentione, what's the possibility about Aftermarket 1/12 scale Inbit Shock troopers, however that was shot down due to costs as an aftermarket idea. How about this though. Utilising either the Matchbox Scout ( wrong design anyway) or Shocktrooper as the base body to convert into a close to accurate 1/12 Inbit Scout? Kit comprising:- New toes, maybe shins, Forearms and of course key part the Crab head (with eye) kit with/without weapons? I know not totally 100% accurate but unless someone tackles it from the ground up. Doing ad hoc maybe the next best step? Now not sure how feasible or possible it is, however if we don't spitball ideas we'll never know. I couldn't see anyone else thrown this idea before, so guess I am in thebfiring line lol Is it feasible as a 3d print project? Photo just to show size differences. FYI not my photo either.
  2. Message sent Cap.
  3. Nice job. For those liking the classic look this will be a great idea.
  4. I think the one Clear piece of Info here is NO ONE s questions Cap's abilities, Rep, Quality of his work. These are bloody marvellous & Yes a Must have set. That the shipping (for instance Me to the UK) is th same cost as the item set near enough Is quite daunting. Considering the weight/package size. I appreciate the comments of Canada Post being the villains of the peace here with their Criminal charges. Just such a shame it is stopping myself and others around the world from jumping on one of Cap's awesome sets. Plus supporting talent from (with hopes) furthering more 1/12 goodness for Mospeada. I would just like to make this clear.
  5. They did BUT these are statues Not action figures. That IMHO stopped me buying them.
  6. I buy a lot from Overseas. Japan, US, China, HK. Case in point. The actual 1/12 Sentinel Mospeada themselvesn did not cost this much from Japan. Plus they arrived within 3 days to the My home in the UK. That is much farther than Canada. I have no doubt the quality as seen many in several of the social media outlets and here state great workmanship. The package for these aftermarket add on parts however do not equate a large box nor really any weight. Most certainly not to this extent.
  7. What I don't get. These are kit format. How is shipping for something that won't be a bug Box so expensive. $60+ to the UK on shipping alone :/ Really wanted to order the set but at the shipping cost at pretty much same cost to the set. I am reluctant to do so. Moreso as said it is a Kit to make up once in hand.
  8. The Pole that connects the 2 side bags. When they are opened, does the pole fill the saddle bag? Is the pole flush with the saddlebag case or does it protrude into the saddle bag, filling the space inside (once opened)? Does that make sense ?
  9. Looks Great. How much of the pole protrudes into the saddle bags or don't they open?
  10. Outstanding Job.
  11. It's Awesome news we are getting the last two Mospeada Riders at 1/12 scale. I wonder if they will do Jim and the rest with his jeep? Will they do alternative Riders in different colours? Eitherway fantastic news we will have the main Four riders.
  12. So glad I went straight to Japanese dealers. I guess if a UK seller was going to get them in, I would still be waiting too hahaha
  13. Got to Love CM Brave Riders. Got enough of them LOL Be nice to think same with Riobot But if I will have Four once I get my 2nd Rey on PO later this year.
  14. The groin plates pop off (do it carefully), bicep let's the arms pop off similar to the thigh split. Neck pops off. Did not feel brave enough for taking the chest armour off lol
  15. That is what drew me to this image, the Mospeada colourscheme with "Invasion" stripes.
  16. Recoloured the cloth suit on one of my STIG'S. Went for grey. Undecided to leave armour or change colour. Will need change number at the very least. New head as same I replaced in the helmet.
  17. Well I won't complain about thinking the SENTINEL Mospeada is too small EVER AGAIN LOL Just seen this and WOW!!
  18. Started recolouring the cloth suit!
  19. Time to make a custom Rider. Removed silver from Visor too with this one. Plus have a full size of this head so can do head swap. Now deciding what colour undershot and Armour.
  20. I am hoping to have a go doing my own. Just so many projects making 1/12 clothing as it is LOL Be nice though if Sentinel or After Market did.
  21. Guess it could be the part they NEVER tell you. MARS, JUPITER, etc fleets are all Vegitarians or fed packaged food that just about has Nutriants within. That's why the Invasion of these Humans upon Earth. Had Nothing to do with the INBITS, they wanted Our COWS, Pigs & Sheep for Meat. HAHAHAHA
  22. Oh Your going to have fun mixing them with other 1/12 brands.
  23. Disagree. Have you seen how much 1/18 CM BRAVE Riders are going for? MEGAHOUSE 1/15? Beagle too? The same week Stig was released he almost doubled in price too and that's not just scalpers, NY almost doubled the price with None sale PO of him. That Sentinel have opted to rerelease them both Is a Great sign for fans and collectors who missed out, not sure if to PO or not. Plenty of reviews exist now for everyone to have an idea what they going to get. Personally I love them. Just hope the Re-released versions come with the H90 pistols too. They should have been in the packages first time round IMHO.
  24. Well that's a 2nd Ray Pre ordered from HLJ. So once he is available will have 2 of each. So tempting to order more LOL
  25. Outstanding job indeed.
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