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teckno viking

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Everything posted by teckno viking

  1. Thanks and great pose btw. Got mine today and Damn nice indeed. Love the helmet and that drop down visor, total surprise. The colour tone on the rifle is pretty good. Surprised how much stuff in the box even though I knew already what to expect lol Figure reminds me of figma/revol with those joints. The helmet is amazing. They did a fantastic job there. KC did a great job
  2. Well after Customs held it up hostage, got mine today. Damn nice piece and that articulated drop down visor, what a Great Surprise. I though I'd not got one at first lol Reminds me of a figma/revol figure but very easy to figure out everything. Guess who didn't see the instruction sheet till after playing with itstraight from the box lol Was also surprised at how much stuff Rick comes with.even though I knew looks like a lot in the box lol Fun taking the figure apart to remove plastic protection, though that indicates possible great base for customs too. The helmet is just amazing too. Weapons nice and solid and love the tone colour effect on the rifle. KC did a great job,
  3. Now I know this is Not Cannon. However for Unmounted but wearing Rider Armour (hell even on the Mospeada) I think these work Great as Hard Case Backpacks. Has two hard points at the bottom where Sleeping Roll can be attached too. Now If your after them. Simple just a McFarlane Jorge backpack. Turned upside down. Drilled the holes. To attach just drill a hole and add a peg same thickness to the hole in the back of the Ride armour. There you go.
  4. Outstanding (thanks also for the Riobot with him) and simple Mod. Still keeps full range of whatever articulation they gave him? Will do that mod tomorrow as soon as he lands.
  5. Well I asked what their plans are for the following:- 1/ Making a Scale Cockpit for Pilot 1/12 figures to fit. Bridge sections if Crew Bunnies and Captain are popular. As modular diorama parts. 2/ Plans to make figures from Robotech other 2 lines aka Southern Cross and Mospeada. 3, Plans for Vehicles from any of the Three segments of "Robotech". Just Got this Reply from them. " 1. Thank you for your suggestion. If the figures sell well, it will justify us to have the Diomara display. 2. Yes, we are going to have figures of the other two generations later. 3. We would like to have vehicles, but we haven't fixed our plan yet. Thank you for your support! Regards, MY" Sounds like boils down to popularity and Then Possibly we may see Much more. Well here's hoping.
  6. Mine arrives on Tuesday After having pay a customs charge :/ Only reason annoyed at the customs charge is due to the push backs on this figures release. Still Tuesday be in Hand. Till then, What's he like compared to the Sentinels Riobot Mospeada figures? Anyone know if they plan a COCKPIT piece for the 1/12 Macross pilots? Now that Would be nice to see.
  7. I know the Wrong type Cockpit. Still had to have a play.
  8. Another Head swap in the helmet for Four characters instead of doubles. Not sure if redying the cloth uniform as I did with the last custom one. Also getting the Armoury Ready too. Still need to build Moscato Rocket Launcher to add to Plastic Cretins along with old model kits weapons too. Blowsperior gets a Warm Welcome once he is released (anytime soon I hope).
  9. Have to say (may not be popular) but I don't mind the tabs on the blades of the new Mospeada. People keep saying high end piece. To be honest its not really is it. After all clothed 1/12 figures seem to market for £80-£100+. We certainly don't call Mezco high end with the constant corners they keep cutting. Now add the transformable bike tbh its a steal when you get these at retail prices. Hell just look at ebay with Riobots Mospeada going $200 to $400. The older 1/18 CM Brave Rider Mospeada (love these but tricky and fiddly buggers) equalling that price. Plus of course Beagles 1/10 going for anywhere between $400 to over $1000. That's the only time ou could call High end when the greedy have forced the price rise. Though that's a different matter. Honestly the Blade tabs are nothing or a quick sand job to remove.
  10. WOW!!
  11. Oh Damn BOTH are looking amazing. That the mini Mospeada is the new design is Outstanding. Where's the PO on Lancer lol So glad we are seeing Saddle bags and mounts for the Next Mospeada 1/12 installmenr and of course the Gallant H90 variants.
  12. So will UK be the same as France shipping quotes Cap?
  13. We may see something this weekend at Wonder Fest. So keep your eyes peeled here and on the forum for Any News would be my suggestion. Also looking good with the Rocket launcher
  14. Hey Carl. No I have not read the JMS one. Will have a look for it. Though no surprises JMS was 100× better. One of my favourites.
  15. I did ask Sentinels if they planned to do this "jeep with the 3 remaining characters as a set". The reply was "forwarded on your suggestion". Till we hear i guess scratchbuilt will be the way forward or kit is made by someone.
  16. It Certainly Is and deserves a new lease of life, Moreso If updates Do exist.
  17. Sorry for a necro rise post. However as 1/10 & 1/12 arent that far apart. Curious did this get finished? Or was kits offered from the wooden masters? As I think this could possibly work with the 1/12 Sentinels Riobot. Just curious as be great to add to the 1/12 figures or tackle it slightly smaller and more accurate. I have some 1/10 vehicles and aircraft that work perfectly well with 1/12 scale figures. Hence why I ask.
  18. Just as World War Z book to film are 2 different entities. I wish they went with the amazing Audio book cast and filmed that WWZ. As key are the interviews with interwoven back flash tales. Alas however happens a lot when turning books to films.
  19. So Cap. The eye your proposing is clear lense over resin eye piece as shown? If so Awesome.
  20. I say Yes, I'm in. More so possibility of Revoltech joints adding articulating to this.
  21. Double YES!!!!
  22. Now would be the best time Cap I would have thought.
  23. Enforcers would be another perfect 1/12 option as only a wee bigger than the Sentinels for that 7ft look.
  24. Oh I know this is the correct image. As I stated the Matchbox Scout looks nothing like this. However for decades we have used it as the Inbit Eager with our 1/18 lines.
  25. Oh don't know about Matchbox being super available. Have a gaggle of Both and happy to sacrifice a few for 1/12 Scouts. Didn't know about the Breetai though. Only recall the one a few years back custom made.
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