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teckno viking

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Everything posted by teckno viking

  1. As in video, not that i have seen Hoping something like the Beagle maybe?
  2. Just Amazing art within. Talented and glad you shared folks.
  3. Wow An amazing job all round with everything here. Had my Gallant commissioned built a few years back by a Good friend prop builder I know. I thought this was Amazing. The 3d printed one though with working latches etc. OUT OF THIS WORLD. Alas I don't have a 3d printer or would be asking for files on the CVR3 helmet, Wolffe smg and your H90. Outstanding job guys.
  4. I agree New Edwards Test Pilot. The cloth undergarment is Awesome. More companies are finally realising 1/12 is prime for type of treatment 1/6th has had for decades. Weirdly 6" clothed figures existed happily in the 70s and early 80s with LION ROCK & LITTLE BIG MAN. As too the stalward Spanish Madelman. More recent times 3A, VORTEX, Mezco One:12 are happily churning out clothed 1/12 figures. So Yeah This is the BIG WIN IMHO to see Mospeada getting the same treatment. Hell Making the other characters with clothing will be exciting if no brand steps up and does it. IF Figma get their Macross & Mospeada Out, Hell yeah will still get them however Clothed figures WIN it for me. Not related to this forum But these are ALL 1/12 scale figure customs I have done and have underway. Along with Mezco One:12 Captain America and Super Soldier to show. Anything IS Possible
  5. & for Us none US, truly worth while dealing with a Japanese store to BBTS. HLJ, NY have always done well enough for me in the past. Don't see why that would change here and now. BBTS btw have done fine by me too but technically I am paying Increased price due to shipping to US plus then onwards to UK. Easier and cheaper direct to Japan. We truly need a Decent IMPORTERS of quick speed with releases in the UK.
  6. Oh no, i slipped and placed an order with Nippon too lol Best price too
  7. Your not wrong on different Brands Not overly working together to solidify a scale LOL As for the Casts of the Gallant. I will post once done to hear what folk think, if liked its possible Yes an make a batch or two of 1/12 Gallants for sale. Just so you know I am in the UK :/
  8. So my weekend is sorted, scratch build a 1/12 Gallant H90. Try to make attachment rifle parts (so removable or worse case solid rifle varient) and then mold & cast.
  9. Nice selection there tekering. I had no idea in Japan 1/12 is refered too as the "Anime scale". The West its truly became a popular scale for many franchises. My height issue is when you place the Mospeada rider with other 1/12 brand figures ie Figma, S.H.Figuarts, Marvel legends, Mezco One:12 etc. This is where the heights become problematic. For me i don't get hooked on that too easily as people in general come all heights and sizes. My 1/12 figures happily have Figma (tends to be the smaller brand) with Mezco One:12 characters. Alas for the model i recall in my youth having it but back then no other 1/12 lol I will be getting one to compare and fingers crossed a sqad in place for when the Anticipated release in Jan of the 1/12 toy.
  10. This actually 1/12 though? The old 1/12 kits the figures were too big to be 1/12. Bikes worked though at 1/12. Nov release this year apparently
  11. Well cancelled bbts and ordered from HLJ. What a difference in price. As i am in the UK getting a customs hit plus will be cheaper now plus shipping similar to BBTS.
  12. Ohhhhhh awesome photos. See what the 29th brings for us none Japan based folk.
  13. Just had to dig out the 1/18 Mospeada with all the talk and excitement of the upcoming 1/12 Mospeada. The Battle to Reclaim Earth is Underway!
  14. Have one on PO with BBTS and shipping is an extra 36. Will see what prices inc shipping we get 29th when hopefully more PO open up from others.
  15. Ahhh so nothing more. Well we can hope. Least Sentinel is here and coming
  16. Someone on Fwoosh mentioned it. Would like to know more myself.
  17. Well for those of Us International to US ie Europe etc. BBTS I have jumped on with a PO But TBH probably get direct from Japan too as both will alas incur Customs. Plus would it be Bad to have More of these LOL I Think Not and the 15 CM Brave Riders 1/18th (added photos of the 1/18th ones) I have say so too LOL Had not realised till today FIGMA had one in the pipe too. It IS awesome to see Mospeada Love return. Hopefully see a Very impressive 1/12 Line up from Both companies and hey Even more may jump on? INBITS will be needed 1/12 and that could get Revoltech Excited LOL I am hoping we will see more options and indeed hoping as Sentinel have not with their first, that FIGMA will throw us the GALLANT H-90 (would it be the modular version for rifle?). With that added my private commission Build from a friend overe here in the UK who made this a few years back. Still my Pride and Joy
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