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teckno viking

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Everything posted by teckno viking

  1. Yay NY shipped my order. Now to wait for it to get to the UK.
  2. Paid my NY this morning (in the UK). Though have 3 PO with HLJ as they had PO before NY. So waiting for them now. One to leave as is and plan to customise the others.
  3. And dug these Beauties (H-90s) out ready for when they land in Blighty (UK).
  4. Just got mine from Nippon. Nothing though from HLJ. Slow off the mark LOL
  5. Whilst I was awaiting my PO cm brave riders to arrive. I recall watching a US youtube video to try and ease the wait LOL As he had one already. Cannot recall the youtube but fat fingers certainly his curse hahaha. He tried to change the bike and ended up throwing it (no doubt busting it up) due to lack of patients or ability to follow simple instructions. Now I am 6ft 6 and have XXL size hands for gloves. I had no issues transforming any of mine. Seems transforming toys unless idiot proof are Not for everyone LOL
  6. Had mine from PO and I have had mine to play with numerous times. No Breakages or issues straight from the box.
  7. YAY more CM love. Now all you have to do Is free them from their plastic/Cardboard tombs!!! Then the fun really starts!
  8. Fragile and delicate and a pain to transform. However since they went PO and got mine. Been a supporter. Just need to realise these are 1/18 and transform. No way on earth was that ever going to be robust at this scale LOL
  9. I do still lobe my CM Brave riders Mospeada. May not have the full set But I have plenty to play with.
  10. Here Here.
  11. We already know it's based upon the art not the Anime. So targeting is HUD in the helmet based. So why not have this design with the helmet visor? Could be how the HUD works, offers better Armour? I don't mind it tbh and worse case it's something you could probably get fixed after market with a 3d printed clear visor or hand made. So just release these so can get mine to have fun with LOL
  12. I don't mind the slight differences to the animated armour. After all that changed cell to cell LOL Totally agree with you wishing a side photo had been included. Just hope that's not a PR move cause of issues.
  13. Looking at the transformation I think still will be easier than the 1/18 CM BRAVE RIDERS transformation lol
  14. Now wouldn't that be very cool. They are half the size and some than a Valkyrie VF1 so it's doable LOL
  15. Fantastic. Must have missed that image.
  16. Oh the Teasing Begins. Surely not long now till they release these for our long awaited PO''s lol Now the big question is does the bike fold up for storage too? Now that Would be excellent If it does. Great to see more articulated poses of the figure too. This just makes me More Eager NOW to have mine haha
  17. Wouldn't count on it either. After all this is updated armour if you will. Neither of the large images on the cover of the Mospeada book had the sight.
  18. Plus it's still saying Jan too. You would think HLJ would have changed that to Feb as it's just gone back up. Unless last minute we will be told pushed back.
  19. I have seen the date 27th Jan battered around by a few sellers. Either way it's the 1st Jan 2018 so countdown has begun. Happy New year and looking forward to the Mospeada Riders from Sentinel.
  20. Made a mold of the Floor plates and now can cast as many as needed. Each is 5" x 6". Works for corridors, Rooms and Range.
  21. He Is indeed. 6.5 inches tall. Cloth uniform and NECA Marine armour. Modded the Armour so working buckles and cloth straps. Ab plate is worn correctly too. Plus now have Screen correct Camo BDUs x 3 sets to make film versions in cloth Uniforms.
  22. I don't doubt that for a moment lol
  23. I was kind of hoping someone would have had their mits on One by now. I know production ones are scheduled late Jan 18. Still usually they have a test Sample to show. So more accurate than prototype for us buyers. Still Jan Is just round the corner now lol
  24. Oh Hell Yeah. Hanger dio is awesome. Great job
  25. Oh My that is Beautiful. Great Mecha and yeah envy too hahaha
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