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teckno viking

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Everything posted by teckno viking

  1. Again no photoshop. Now one to go with my judge Dredd walk photo too lol
  2. Just a couple of cockpit shots. No photoshop magic (cause I don't know how too lol).
  3. Hahahahaha that is something I was going to Do. As did it with my 3a 1/12 Dredd and Lawmaster. Chris the original artist was kind enough to send me this double signed poster. Held down here with 4 x 3A Lawmasters with lights on.
  4. Thanks kuma style (saw over on SSF). I don't have a camera but this Note 4 lol so I got for informative photos than quality photogenic LOL Outstanding shot.
  5. Way I look at it is Mospeada transformable toys will Only go up in price. Hell CM Brave Riders at 1/18 used to be £40 a piece. Now look at those with prices of £100 to over £200+. Add the Brave Riders got a big release in numbers too. So if Sentinel only did the numbers of what has sold, alas yes these will rocket. Annoying as I would like More to customise and try some ideas on.
  6. Next to Articulated Icons Temple Guard. Figma "300" Leonidas and 1000toys.
  7. Not tried transformation yet Just mesmerised at Bike and Rider at present. Damn it's beautiful. My 3d Printed H90 rifle is too hard to get him to hold. Took the barrel and stock off one and it works as a pistol. Compared to the old Kit bike and nicely does it with scale. Also compared to a few more 1/12 bodies. The Dutch wip custom is a Mezco One:12 Commander Rogers body.
  8. First of my 2 Sticks arrived. This one from NY and NO Customs Chargers YAY. Anyone from the UK will tell you how Greedy our customs are. Alas the other Stick is from HLJ and currently in the UK with Customs. So am paying charges on that one :/ Anyway NOT had a play yet as busy keeping kiddies happy before this big kid gets to play LOL First impressions, LOVE IT!
  9. I thought when this was announced we had many pro Sentinel fans stating how good a job they have done with other figures. Finger crossed it's just new wary apprehension. After all many Bitch ed and attacked CM Brave riders when first started appearing. I have never had issues with mine. So hoping the same.
  10. Bugger forgot about that. Guess wait till mine are in hand for a better appraisal of the situation.
  11. Hey Just thought. Anyone planning to do a run of Storage boxes we can add to the bikes? Working lids too. Surely one of you 3d printer Gurus have something underway?? I am sure away can be made to attach to these bikes (even if it's hidden magnets?). I would certainly be down for a few sets.
  12. Yay they have Landed in the UK. Now to wait for them to get here. If lucky tomorrow or be early Next week.
  13. Yay found the printouts. Alas lost the old External Storage which had originally saved images on. Waaaay back in 2002 these pieces done by Muchael Blackbourn. I was So impressed with this military Look that I printed them out and filed them on the off chance of bringing toys to live like this. I have 20 CM Brave riders but never attempted. Though I should I guess. This is why I got 2 Sentinel Sticks LOL Plan to give the spare this treatment. Who know's maybe get some more for a small combat Squad.
  14. Yay both left Japan yesterday. Hopefully next few days will be here in Sunny Britain.
  15. Oh yes I know the model kits are based on the Anime. I was thinking the kits could be an older version still on Earth. The Sentinel is from One of the planets. Then is sizes are not too bad, can mix it up with a Survivors from Earth with older tech.
  16. Not so worried yet. Recall many pointing out NEVER transform the CM Brave Rider. Never had issues myself. On a different question. So how does Sentinels bike compare to the 1/12 model kit bike? I ask as got 2 of the kit ones.
  17. That's awesome
  18. That is actually quite nifty. A good idea. So for those who Have in Hand already. Can you do the armour opened up as a display piece as you can with the Beagle?
  19. Outstanding. Come On my 2. Eager to join in playing lol
  20. That's the money shot IMHO. Now we know where these stand in the 1/12 scale. Very happy.
  21. HLJ put my mind at ease. My Pre order is safe. It's just they are not taking any others. Relief knowing I have him PO lol
  22. Question. Anyone else noticed with HLJ that Rey has "Stopped" on their PO? Or is that just me ? I placed mine as soon as it was an option to PO, so not sure what's going on. Any ideas why?
  23. So who has a 3d printer to start a fully articulated Inbid Warrior and Scouts and then cast them for us all to get them LOL
  24. I actually like the Honeycomb effect. Works as a Great HUD. Though for those who don't, this should make them happy lol
  25. Now HLJ waiting to hear dispatched. Then next month my 3rd. Have one of each and spare to customise. Cannot wait. Late this week/early next week 2 Mospeada 1/12 in the house. Fun times ahead.
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