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Everything posted by levzloi

  1. use the plastic welding superglue to glue the separate pieces together and then drill/dremel out several paperclip diameter holes at different angles, inject said holes with superglue and insert paperclip through hole, cut ends off, let dry and then you have a metal pin reinforced Yeti Stand Adapter. I've had to do that to at least two of mine that have broken over the years.
  2. Remember, these are TWE, unless the retailer has a special arrangement with Bandai, they are only shipping from Bandai to the the proxies or retailers. They will then need to forward it on to you.
  3. Don't plan on it on ebay, you're going to have to go with specialty retailers or Yahoo Japan.
  4. I just thought it was for keeping your hair out of your eye's.
  5. If I'm not mistaken, one of Hera's father's lieutenants in rebels was the little girl that followed the clone troopers around during the Twilek arc in the first season of Clone Wars, and one of those Clone troopers had a little Twilek girl painted on his visor during the 2nd invasion of Geonosis. lots of conections from Clone Wars, Rebels, and now The Bad Batch. I hope Omega shows up in the Book of Boba Fett.
  6. Bugged me at first as well, however, it is the same voice actress, and there was a scene with her father in Rebels where she slipped back into the Twi'lek accent. So, not entirely inconsistent. I'm not convinced that they're not just going to move on to the next episode and leave this tread dangling, but as I've been rewatching Clone Wars, it's interesting how many threads are woven between all of Filoni's series.
  7. Really want to mess with your co-workers? screen shot their desktop, move all folders and files off the desktop to somewhere else safe, then set the screen shot as the wallpaper, move the taskbar to the top and set it to autohide. I think that was the only thing moving the taskbar was really good for.
  8. OK guys, we all know the no politics rule, lets not get this thread shut down.
  9. Here is the color pallet that I used on mine, originally from Tekering
  10. Forget strike pack, Custom paint some supers!
  11. That is the single coolest looking Valk out there, congrats!
  12. Well the whole sculpt really. Still amazing how good those looked when they first came out. OK, enough about the Yamato V1, back to your originally scheduled programming.
  13. Back row second from right, clip on the top of the heat shield gives it away
  14. What I'm referring to is the two conversations that Tony had with Steve, and then with Bruce. First to Steve, (paraphrasing) "Bring everybody back? I hope so, keep what I have? Got to". And then to Bruce, "remember, bring everybody back today, no other changes". If on the other hand, they had used the Time Stone in conjunction with all the others, they could have reset everything instantaneously with Thanos's original snap. But that would have resulted in Tony losing his daughter. Just my personal insight/feeling on the matter. Certainly there was a lot of lazy writing and hand waving involved in the whole thing, (Clint still having the same phone/phone# with his wife's contact still on it for one.) That said they still pulled off an amazing movie.
  15. Technically it's only this screwed up because Tony Stark insisted on keeping his present to the detriment of the vast majority of peoples. Imagine all the people killed on the freeways because half of the drivers dusted. They're all still dead. Onboard a plane when both pilots are dusted? Sucks to be you, still dead. Finally found solace with a new love after your family and children disappeared? Awkward..... Basically this is the first Marvel show to even start to show just how screwed up the world would be, and they still only scratched the surface. Basically as cute as Morgan was, she's the reason the world is so jacked up. Thanks Tony.
  16. Really enjoyed it, even liked Omega. The trailers had really turned me off to the character. I think it will be interesting to see how Filoni handles her, If Kathleen Kennedy were behind this I'd be very skeptical, however Filoni has proven that he can make the obnoxious teen character into something interesting and beloved with both Asoka and Ezra, so I'll reserve judgement for now. Besides my guess may be completely off.
  17. Well as one of those that made that statement, I finally watched it. It is a VAST improvement, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Excising the Whedon sense of humor resulted in a much more cohesive film. And honestly I would probably be interested in a continued "Snyderverse" That being said..... -WAY TO MUCH SLOMO!! -I think Superman, Batman, WW, and Aquaman were cast very well. Maybe it was just writing and direction, but Cyborg felt like a petulant teenager, not a big fan of how he was presented. Barry Allen was well, "Whedonish". Just felt goofy and a bit out of place in the cinematic world. -The Paradeamons felt very generic, Stepenwolf was better, but still not a great compelling villain. -Including Darkseid was an improvement, but it was also a bit cheesy that his goal is "anti-life". Which is never explained. -The Knightmare future was pretty compelling. -Resurrecting Superman was in my opinion a big mistake in writing, and more than a little morbid. The original comic explanation of the Kryptonian tech recovering his body and allowing him to recharge would have been much better. So those are some of my thoughts on the film. As I said a while back, If Snyder had been able to finish the film originally at best this would have been released as a Directors cut after a seriously cut down theatrical release. But even then VFX, editing decisions and the few additional scenes shot were for better or worse informed by the Whedon release. Just accept it. Finally, even though I may be interested in where this might go, remember this is the same writing/directing team that brought us. -Grimdark depressed Superman (honestly, anyone who can adapt Watchmen, shouldn't be let near Superman in the first place). -Plot device throwaway Doomsday (I still have those old Reign of the Supermen comics, and this is worse than Spiderman 3 relegating Venom to third seat villain). -Jesse Eisenburg Lex Luthor -And lest we forget, "Your letting them kill Martha!"
  18. Original VF-1 DX TV hands work in the armor, those are the hands that can hold the gun pod.
  19. I'll be giving it a watch at some point, hopefully the end battle is much improved, it was seriously lacking in the theatrical cut. Still it's important to remember that this is not the movie that Snyder would have made four years ago, it's the movie that got made as a result of the Weden cut.
  20. It seems that if you read most of the positive reviews they say things like "better, but still not great", or "the underlying issues are still there"
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