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Everything posted by levzloi

  1. I'd second this, soak that movie hand in googone for a day or so, pull it apart, and dremmel out an area on the TV hand to fit the Movie hand block, then glue it using plastic welding superglue. Alternately you could try as has been suggested before, and us a VERY small screw to remove the ball from the arm socket, then use plastic welding superglue to glue the ball back on the broken hand, once it's thoroughly set, drill a VERY small hole through the ball into the hand and place a screw or rod joining the two pieces.
  2. or 30?.... I might have a problem......
  3. I just received arrival notification from my proxy for my Armor set, I "believe" this means the second round is beginning to go out.
  4. I'm sure the correct thread for that discussion is buried somewhere, but check out this link, explains it all in detail http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=4599
  5. If that doesn't work out, and If they're identical aside from the peg, razorblade, dremel, paperclip and plastic welding superglue.
  6. They are going at auction for about 30,000yen, still semi reasonable. Go through a proxy and get one.
  7. Awesome, thanks! So weird that you can get such different proportions from the same source.
  8. No question, I was more curious about the comparative proportions. Interesting that Bandai seems to have made the legs thinner, and the arms beefier. Other proportions seem similar. I don't have the standard Yamato GBP, but I do have the Urban Cammo GBP with Low Vis Valk, and the Forest Cammo GBP with Forest Cammo Valk. I'm planning on displaying them together.
  9. Very cool, Do you have an old Yamato 1/48 GBP to pose it next to?
  10. These are the pictures I took last week of all the container ships anchored outside Long Beach Port waiting to get in to make you feel better. 😈 Actually I'm extremely sympathetic, I'm still waiting on my VF-1D's sent surface, and will be sending my GBP's the same way.
  11. Woosah, woosah
  12. The fact that that GW's is acting like a typical corporation and killing great things like Emperor TTS makes me never want to give them another dollar again. That series was soooo over the top witty and hilarious, but GW doesn't control it soooooo...... dead.
  13. Make sure you lucky people able to see this earlier than us in the USA follow Scyla's example for the next few weeks and hide spoilers.
  14. I believe the term is "Mechanical Amputation"
  15. McFarlane is releasing quite a few I hadn't seen, Reavers, Genestealers and Orks, oh my! https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Search?HideSoldOut=true&Brand=11481&utm_source=retail_news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=bigbadtoystore-retail&utm_content=
  16. Yeah, it still has some major flaws, the cockpit in transformation will take some serious t-rex rejiggering, and the front missile bay doors were just a stupid shortcut on an otherwise awesome toy.
  17. It was good, make sure you watch the “All Hail the King” Marvel short on Disney+ first. I did feel that it jumped around in time a lot, as a result the main story felt really short. Happened very fast. Also the final fight was over the top. I did really like the actor who played Shang Chi.
  18. Yeah couldn’t agree more, that Beta/TREAD is a beast though, very solid.
  19. Yeah, I'm hoping to do that eventually, fine detail work takes time though.
  20. Definitely way too pink.
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