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Everything posted by levzloi

  1. Spoilers on the ending of the finale and loooong (I took way longer on this than i should have, but I guess I've still got a lot to unpack about this series.). Spoilers on the nature of the One Power Spoilers on the Age of Legends Spoilers on how they could have handled a certain actor's absence
  2. I'm not going to tell you what you can and can't like, I'm sure it's much easier to enjoy as a new viewer not attached to the books, but the story and characters have been changed significantly. Existing story-lines and character development that they could have used on the Emonds Field five was sacrificed for new material that largely didn't make any sense or difference in the long run. First season spoiler I personally feel the writing is the biggest issue, they seem to be going for the JJ Abrams "who cares if it makes sense, it'll look cool" style. Which is really geared to piss off detail oriented super fans like me, just as it already has in Star Trek and Star Wars. They have already casually done many things involving the one power that are explicitly impossible in the books, simply because that's the scene that they want on screen. As big as the book series is, and as important as the one power is to it's story progression, I can't see how this attitude of making up the rules as they go along isn't going to come back and bite them. They seem hell bent on rewriting it as they believe it should have been rather than actually adapting what is already on the pages. Anyway, just my two cents.
  3. @sqidd, I know you've deleted your posts on this, but I felt I needed to offer somewhat of an apology. Although I still feel you jumped to conclusions on a very small sample size of 5 minutes of the first episode... and although I would continue to defend Robert Jordan's work in the Wheel of Time... you were absolutely right about the direction Rafe Judkins (the show-runner) was taking the Amazon adaptation of the Wheel of Time. He clearly wanted to insert his world view into Robert Jordan's world, and I can't emphasize enough how disappointed I am in the extremely heavy handed adaption we ended up with. So @sqidd you were right.
  4. I'm going to be honest, I think you're tilting at windmills here. I think I know where you're coming from, everything put out in all forms of media over the last 20 years has increasingly been tailored to a particular political agenda that I largely disagree with. That being said (again don't want to get into politics here), I think you've formed an opinion on over 14000 pages of content by watching less than 5 minutes of a poorly edited episode of a made for TV adaptation. But that is completely your right, as is my God given right as a geek to tell you how wrong you are.
  5. That's one place I will give them pretty extreme latitude, the ending of EOTW is really confusing. Several things were ret-coned out of the first book specifically, Moiraine's staff for instance. Honestly I'm not a big fan of the 2nd book, hopefully they will curtail almost all of the wandering around and just stick to the main plot points. I feel the series starts to find it's way in the 3rd book, Mat finally becomes an interesting character, and then Jordan hits it out of the park for the next three books, before the plot bloat begins to set in during the next four books, and finally he turned it around in 11 and Brandon Sanderson was the least bad choice to bring it home in 12-14. Obviously there are massive amounts of background material, secondary characters, bloat and story lines that can be cut re-arranged or merged without too much regret. My biggest issue is that the show-runners/Amazon/writers seem to be going with a little to much JJ Abrams "who cares if it makes sense, It looks cool!" I hated the first episode, but I understand how constrained they were by time and getting out of the two rivers, and I have to admit that their ham-handed use of tropes is useful for establishing characters and attitudes without to much exposition. I genuinely enjoyed 2-4 and I'm excited to see 5 tonight, so don't think they've completely botched it, however, the attention to detail and in world rules seems to be going by the wayside in favor of what they must feel is dramatic on screen and very hand-wavy with the rules. I think this season is just going to be like that, and I hope it's just studio interference that may be lessened in future seasons as the show-runners and producers who know the story might gain more power. But time will tell.
  6. My personal feeling is that the point of the philosophy behind the books is that men and women are naturally different, complementary, and unequal (because who is equal?) There are plenty of reasons not to like any given series, and heaven knows they did a terrible job building the worlds foundation in that first episode (due largely to studio interference reportedly) but in my opinion you are reading way to much into the motivations behind a great sci fi/fantasy question. What if all the male magic users went insane and the women had to hunt them down?
  7. I'm not going to say that the Showrunners won't take it that direction, they could, given today's society they are very likely to lean that direction. And I don't want to get this thread shut down for going political, so I'm not going to talk about that more. However the book the first season is based on, was written over 30 years ago, by a man, a Vietnam war vet, and I can tell you it's anything but sexist towards men. Simply because racism is portrayed in a work, doesn't make that work racist, by the same measure, simply because sexism is portrayed in a work, doesn't mean that work is sexist.
  8. Post lots of detailed pictures for a helpful response.
  9. Do not fall into the trap of "GOTTA HAVE IT NOW". I made sooooo many poor purchases that I regret in my first 6 months collecting. Be patient, it will come up for sale somewhere and at a reasonable rate.
  10. What he said. The engineering on these things is amazing, truly incredible. However that means there is lots that can go wrong. I'd personally decide which mode and pose you want to display it in, and then pose it and leave it. Constant transforming back and forth is just asking for component failure.
  11. If it's just a new head, I'm not sure how interested I might be. if its actually a redesign and re-imagining of the shadow fighter or drone with an updated sculpt, that might be interesting.
  12. Amazon, bit pricey, but the shipping is cheap. https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B09KN2YXJ5/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=RIOBOT+VR-038L&qid=1636344587&sr=8-1
  13. I doubt it will change, like it or not it is consistent with the art design on the previous three. That being said this looks amazing!
  14. Buy on Yahoo Japan through a proxy and ship surface. Automatically going to save you $50-100.
  15. I think it would be very interesting to see him play the other iterations of Duncan, such as the Mentat from Dune Messiah and Children of Dune. Maybe he has the chops for it, maybe not, it would be interesting to see.
  16. The mini series was good, much deeper into the story than Lynch's version, or Villeneuve's Dune. It did have generally very good performances from the leads, but very much leaned into camp with the production design, and it simple didn't have the budget to really show the world of Dune. That is perhaps Villeneuve's Dune strongest aspect, it shows the world magnificently, and also does a very good job of showing rather than telling (which was the most glaring problem with Lynch's telling rather than showing). However, I agree that it could use a bit more telling. It's greatest weakness is that it simply ends halfway through the second act. It's not as bad as just abruptly fading to credits at a random scene, but I still don't feel it's as natural or as solid an ending as The Fellowship of the Rings. Of course FOTR was already cut out of LOTR as the first of three books, not just one book, so it's not a completely fair comparison.
  17. ABSOLUTELY!! Especially if you can in IMAX. It's not a perfect adaptation, but in my opinion it's by far the best one yet.
  18. No problem, here's the project thread, and I should have said "almost certainly" rather than "probably".
  19. Obviously very cool and a ton of work. Still, made me think of this.
  20. Seriously recommend against it, I did a Yamato 1J head for the total repaint in my profile, trying to pry apart only deformed the plastic, and in order to get the parts to separate I had to soak it in goo gone overnight, which destroyed the paint and I'm assuming would remove the tampo. In other words, unless you're doing a complete custom you're probably only going to make it worse.
  21. Just saw it in IMAX, really enjoyed it. I think Hanz Zimmer might have been trying to give Tenet a run for it's money in the volume over dialogue department, and they really allowed most scenes to develop and breath (maybe just a tad to much). Still a really good adaptation, I'll plan on seeing it again in IMAX. I really hope they make the second.
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