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Everything posted by levzloi

  1. I’m pretty sure he’s massive, tempted to get him just to let Lion el Johnson smash his face in. 😁
  2. Nah, Epic would be considerably smaller. πŸ˜‰
  3. The knights have also been released, but the original will always be my favorite, as I have a serious case of nostalgia from playing 2nd edition.
  4. Somehow I missed the release of these boys, exactly what I've been waiting for. DEATHWING! https://joytoy.com/products/dark-angels-deathwing-action-figure?VariantsId=10044
  5. Given the age of the house, and where I dug it up I expected it to be much older than late 90’s Lego. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Thanks man totally missed your comment between the others
  6. good suggestion, turns out it's a Lego speargun, Thanks.
  7. I found it digging in the front yard, just curious if anybody knows what it belongs too.
  8. I was rather disappointed with the McFarlane space marine that I ordered, they are absolutely cheaper, and the paint your own has apeal to some, however I've been far more impressed with the JoyToy space marines.
  9. I was actually a bit confused when Joy Toy announced the Dark Angels Blade Guard a few weeks back, forgive me if I'm wrong, as I haven't really kept up on all the lore changes since I played 2nd edition tabletop over 25 years ago, but the wiki still states that all Dark Angel's Veterans of the Deathwing outfit in Terminator armor like the above miniature (pictured in the quote). So the JoyToy Deathwing Blade Guard would be non canonical (albeit pretty cool looking)?
  10. not backwards, they are on both sides of the standard mold for the super/strike forearm armor, also used to secure the gun pod (if you could call it secure). edit, but as you pointed out the mold does appear to be new with the circle, could be backwards, but the notches are normally on both sides.
  11. Actually I think the back parts are transparent.
  12. Beyond that, Han Solo was on display frozen in carbonite in Jabba's palace for almost a year, would have been common knowledge in the underworld.
  13. With the Bandai 1/48s between SDFM and DYRL, the heads are slightly different, the pilots are different, the number and type of hand included are different, and the tampo is different. Most people seem to feel that Bandai went way overboard with the tampo on the DYRL valks.
  14. REALLY enjoyed 5-6, 7 was a bit of a letdown, lets see where it goes in 8. I think the senate scene just emphasized that if they are really intent on doing this era, and doing big stories, like Thrawn, they have to recast Luke Han and Leia, they can't just keep dancing around them not being present. I also think they need to take a lot more time and polish on the writing.
  15. I've owned both the Bandai and McFarlen versions, and I think the articulation is right in the middle. the McFarlen feels like an action figure with articulation, and the Bandai feels like an extremely poseable collectable. Where the JoyToy really shine, is in the accessories and detail, they are gorgeous.
  16. If you are looking to possibly repair the existing joints, the post below explains my method, actually works pretty well.
  17. I loved the last 4 episodes of the clone wars, and Ahsoka is a great character, It's also clear that Disney knows how to put together a great trailer (ala Marvel and Star Wars) but after Book of Boba Fett, Kenobi, and now over half of season 3 of the Mandalorian, I'm really losing faith that Filoni and Favreu know what they're doing here. Cameo's, fan service, and Marvel Ragnarok level silliness do not work for me.
  18. Not just the first movie, the first TWO movies. The elapsed time from Rey leaving with Finn in 7 and rescuing everybody in 8 was about a week. In that time a nobody scavenger, flew and repaired the Millennium Falcon better than Han Solo, spontaneously learned the Jedi mind trick, defeated an accomplished dark Jedi twice, slaughtered the Imperial guards who's sole purpose was apparently to kill Jedi, and lifted a field of boulders with the force. She did all this with only a few angry lectures from Luke about why the Jedi suck as training. It's just absurd. In comparison, Luke doesn't even use his lightsaber in the first movie, practices with the force for two years and can still barely pull his lightsaber out of the snow, spends a month with Yoda on Degobah in intense training (yes it was a month, it takes a while to get anywhere with a broken hyperdrive), then gets his butt handed to him by Darth Vader, practices on his own for another year, and only defeats Vader by giving into his Anger.
  19. I humbly beg forgiveness, the clones were the true stars of the series, and the journey of echo (as the only survivor of his squad of trainee's) and his brothers is both tragic and heartwarming.
  20. I'll buy that in general, although it might have more to do with an evolution of their writing, ability to tell stories, and the evolution of what The Clone Wars was. It started out as an anthology of short story arcs featuring different characters and not even written in chronological order. It ended up being the Anakin Obi Wan and Ahsoka show which was in my opinion far superior. Again, in my opinion the writing of the final four episodes of The Clone Wars was superior to pretty much anything Filloni has put out in the live action series so far.
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