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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. No problem at all. Honestly I'm glad to not have to do all of that in the video review because it really lets me focus and give a meatier gallery on this one.
  2. @no3Ljm is the man with the plan because he summed it up. It'll be more of an overview/rundown than as depthy as Stick's. Trying to keep it contained to 10 minutes tops.
  3. Thanks, man. It was definitely a surprise yesterday as it wasn't supposed to come until next week.
  4. The thing of it is that they're actually "impressive" as figures and continually making strides for pieces at that scale. Outside of moving fingers, Cygnus (Jetfire) literally has all of the articulation of the MakeToys Cross Dimension figures from double joints to ab crunch. They produce as much or more than any other company and have shown double the improvement of any other while continuing to do so. They don't make my absolute favorite products but I really think that they've become the "kings" and the standard bearers of that Legends-scaled niche for sure.
  5. I'd honestly hope within 13 years she would have had a conversation with you if she felt it was a problem! ha. It's pretty cool that she interacts with you and jokes around about it, though. On a personal level, the Mrs. really hated it for a while when we first moved in because it started to take up so much space that I **had** to take one of the rooms for my collection in the two bedroom apartment we were in but once we moved to a house and I had my mancave, she got her craft room/office, etc. etc. things were smooth sailing from then on out and the general reception even when I show her new things that have come in were night and day. Hell, she even started asking about what they were, what cartoons they were from, etc. etc.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So, my Ray is in Korea now doing whatever packages do in Korea... it's slated to come next Monday which is "fine" but really odd considering the "FlameToys Drift" I also ordered from Sentinel direct using the same shipping method (They only offer FedEx International Economy) came literally overnight with a totally different tracking route. I'm trying to take into account that it may just have been put on a plane that needed to stop elsewhere and pick something up but if shipping is this inconsistent with them it may be my last non-exclusive order from them. The $51 shipping would've easily paid for DHL from AmiAmi or HLJ and gotten here either overnight or 2nd business day on top of having shipped earlier. /rant.
  6. Absolutely. I'm actually going to a convention next weekend that I wouldn't normally just because BlueFin is going to be there to pick up another.
  7. No idea. Took that quick shot, shelved them, and got onto starting the reviews I'm (seemingly always) behind on. Honestly the PW guys are fantastic for what they are and an amazing, classics-scaled set. If you look at the price even at full retail it's really not bad considering it's three legitimate figures in their own right.
  8. Haha. That's what's up. I got in the Visualizers and I really want to pull out the old Perfect Effect ones to display with it so I get it completely.
  9. https://youtu.be/Qa5itW4vHts The full review for Figuarts Goku Black is up. Link in signature: http://kumastyledesigns.com/toy-review-s-h-figuarts-goku-black/ The video and written reviews definitely break it down but overall I gave this one an easy 9.0/10 because fact is the sculpt, deco, and use of the newer, 2.0-styled body just really make this a hit on all marks. I also take a look at the custom Scythe from Ferrytale Customs as well. Check it out and let me know what you think but until then, here are a few pics from the gallery section:
  10. Thanks guys. Go figure the night I say something I wake up to a shipping notice.
  11. This is amazing... like... wow. Also, for those of you who've received Ray; Where did you order from? Preordered/paid for mine from Sentinel direct some time ago and still nothing in terms of shipping. Really weird.
  12. A friend who picked his up today from Sentinel asked for me and stated that they began shipping today so hopefully we all get them soon.
  13. Damn... went and checked and Rei's even out of stock from Sentinel direct.... guess that's a wrap.
  14. ... I didn't really like Gorilla at all off the bat. Gave it a 6.5 of ten and an 8.5 post modifications. It can definitely be a good piece but takes some work. I'm an articulation whore and your verbage of "gets in its own way" was a very perfect way of describing what it unfortunately does too much for me. -------------------------------------- Looks like Iron Factory Cygnus is coming either tomorrow or Monday. Pretty damned excited for it. The interchangeable parts with Optimus are a cool feature.
  15. I reviewed them before but my copies were full of q.c. issues. If these ones are better I'm definitely going to redo the entire review and gallery so I'll post up either way.
  16. Got an insane deal; MP-36, FT Sovereign, and the MakeToys Visualizers for $360 shipped. Couldn't believe it. Have had regret ever since selling my MP-36 so really glad to have an opportunity to have it again at a decent price.
  17. Went and bought the Tamiya C.Blue and Smoke but I Think I may just try the Blue. The Mix looks fine enough but so dark.
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