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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. - Exactly and that's why I'm not "arguing" your opinion but just providing an alternative perspective and making sure to state such. It's unfortunate that things seem to be so inconsistent with these products in general, IMO. - And thank you, but this is Maestro not Downbeat. It's funny because I was just talking to another photo guy about who you really can't tell the difference between the two from that angle at all. He almost exclusively has to be shot wings out or top-down to show the tampos that really differentiate!
  2. - I'm not a huge Ocular Max person. I had Sphinx, Off-road, Terraegis Rally, and Jaguar (With frenzy and the TFCon cassettes coming this week) and they've all been... perfect? I think the paint on hellion looks like absolute crap but I definitely don't judge the entire line from it because it doesn't account for even a percent of my personal experience with or what I've seen from the outside of the line. On the flip side with reformatted I think about stuff like Azalea's head falling off 90% of the time it's transformed and whoever that DJD guy that turns into a gun (Cynicus?) crumbling in people's hands and no; I don't think there's a comparison between the two sublines/brands at all. I think that Reformatted are definitely on the upper end of Classics-scaled toys but in general I find Ocular Max to be more premium. -----------------------------------------------------------
  3. (Haven't watched the video) - With the all-inclusive parts thing, I think it's just something that's extremely hard to even imagine without gaping holes in the bots and combiner kibble sticking out. That's just "a lot" even on paper but I'd love to see it. - Have you tried anything from Ocular Max? Honestly it makes the Reformatted stuff come off low end in comparison (IMHO,) but that's not to say Reformatted is bad in its own right. I'm with you though; A more "classics" styled Bruticus aesthetically with MP scaling is a Godsend for me and I can't wait. -----------------------------------
  4. Random, but any word on the Ultimetal Megatron?
  5. Thanks, Ignacio! One thing I will say in regards to Lightning is that it needs the right background to really pop where skycrow just lights your eyes up no matter where you see it. It's very good but just isn't as " electric"
  6. @Silverstreak is absolutely right about BC's Warpath. I'm by no means some sort of pro transformer (verb,) but I literally was able to do it without instructions after a single transformation back and forth.
  7. The full review of Fansproject's EB-009 Severo Core is up! http://kumastyledesigns.com/fansproject-severo-core-review/ Overall it's a fantastic use of the mold however the mold itself is a bit dated in areas which carries over in terms of play. It's definitely a solid reocmmendation though and if you have the rest of the Warbot family it really looks great in the group. Check out the full review for a complete breakdown but here are some pictures from the gallery section:
  8. Sorry... I refer to MakeToys as MT because as far as I was aware they were the only ones with those initials. There are so many damned 3Ps now though that I wouldn't be surprised if there were 5 more with those initials right now. Opened the MT Seekers and man... so pretty the colors.
  9. - I'm alright with FT's engineering, tbh. Never had a problem with transformations one way or another, really. I do wish there was more focus on advanced articulation with them, though. They're really starting to conne off mediocre there where specific pieces like Phoenix are plain poor. - I just got shown the MT Rodimus thiiiiis morning! That thing looks killer. It's good to see Maketoys and FPJ still knocking out classics becayse fml outside of the Spartan mold nothing the MMC Reformatted line does works for me. The fact that literally every mold of theirs is made with 2 or 3 characters in mind ends up with not a single character being accurate. That stuff is a mess. - Wise Blast looks great but definitely different from the initial line art tease. He's chubby now. ----------- Looks like MT Skycrow and Lightning are actually out for delivery TODAY so that's exciting.
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