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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Yea it was the same scale but it literally looked like a poorly done play doh sculpture and not an actual, resin prototype. Guessing it was just something to say the character is coming where a drawing or silhouette would've sufficed . Thank you for recognizing that the EX Gokin is 1:1 becayse most people actually don't. It's getting a reissue btw but I haven't looked up any details to see which version it is and the like. The Sebtinel should be 6-7" scale to go in line with their other lines so it's a good, fun size and i'm looking forward to it.
  2. Yea I love my Gundog (obviously since I like it enough to buy another,) and a lot of the reason is because it looks so much like a high-end version of Classics Hound which is a great figure on it's own fruition. Even though I won't be selling these I look forward to Takara's offering and will be checking it out. I'm not a fan of hound's toon design but some stuff on the toy itself seems really neat like the added swivel below the knee.
  3. Sentinel showed a very rough icarus prototype as well. I own the Fewture Models EX Gokin Jouhmaru (Art Storm is the much bigger, parent company) and as someone who owns quite a but of this stuff I can say it's one of the best mecha gokin products ever made so I don't expect the Sentinel to light a candle to it but it'll be nice to have a more fun-sized and hopefully well-articulated Jouhmaru as well. The sculpt already looks great.
  4. Had been wanting the toy deco Gundog for the longest and the mp hound announcement lead to a kick ass deal on one which should be showing up today. I'm not huge on repaints but Maketoys does extremely well with them.
  5. Yea I buy all this Sentinel like a dummy and on this one I feel like i'm the only person on the western hemisphere who bothered with it and when that happens there's always a wonder of whether it's because the series isn't popular or the item is crap! And thanks, man!
  6. Martian Hunter Nadesico is en route and should be here within the next few days; anyone pick this one up? Any issues?
  7. I'm really looking forward to you guys' thoughts on the Full Action stuff. Daimos in particular is a SOC I really regret not having snapped up in the opportunities I had to.
  8. The full review and gallery for Sentinel's Re:Edit 14 Modular Hulkbuster Armor is up! http://kumastyledesigns.com/sentinel-modular-hulkbuster-review/ Honestly it's a beautiful repaint of a beautiful looking and engineered figure. Check out the review itself for details but here are some pics from the gallery section:
  9. SDCC 2016 oldie exclusive but new to me; Figuarts Broly came in today.
  10. Riobot Shin Getter Black from same package:
  11. Wonderfest Exclusives came in today; here's Modular Hulkbuster.
  12. Tung Mung also sent over Duke X and I got a chance to pull it out.
  13. Thank you, friend. Here it is no additions.
  14. First EX sent over some Metal Buld styled Digimon products yesterday; here's OMega-X
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