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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. FlameToys Tarn LOOKS like it's slated to be delivered tomorrow so if anyone has any picture requests or general questions about it let me know.
  2. The full review for Fansproject's WB011 Constructo Core (Limited Edition) is up. http://kumastyledesigns.com/fansproject-constructo-core-review/ Per usual the review breaks it down but to give it a summary the deco in particular on this took me by surprise in-hand and I think that it handled both the mold itself and the additions that it brings spectacularly. Here are some pics from the gallery portion:
  3. The full review for the Sentinel Collab Megaman is up. http://kumastyledesigns.com/sentinel-collab-megaman-review/ The review goes into detail but overall being a recolor it doesn't ring anything new to the table but the armor adds a special element on top of a lot of flare. Here are a few pics from the gallery:
  4. Honestly, it's very good; solid build, stupid articulated, and the transformation only took me a few minutes not even looking at the instructions out of the box. I don't even collect MP crap anymore but I'll buy the pink of this to support the cause. It's that good.
  5. I'm glad that you're happy with yours... and yea I don't know what that piece on the breast plate is supposed to ab into but FML it doesn't at all. Haven't seen anyone who's has either. -------------------------
  6. Well thank you, man and I'm glad that you're still digging Sovereign. Honestly I think it's one of the best MP-scaled TFs I've owned.
  7. The full review and gallery for PerfectEffect's PE-DX09 Mega Doragon is up! http://kumastyledesigns.com/perfecteffect-mega-doragon-review/ I tried to break it down as best I could in terms of detailing with the written and video review portions of the article but overall it's a very "all sizzle, no steak" piece for me in terms of design and presentation vs. playability. Here are a few pics from the gallery portion:
  8. Got the Sentinel 4inch-nel Megaman 30th Anniversary Edition today. Just a few quick shots.
  9. @no3Ljm Hey let me know where this stuff goes. Sentinel 4inch-nel Megaman 30th Anniversary Edition. Some quick desk shots. Gallery will be on white I'm thinking.
  10. Just a heads up that Dallas World Tour stop for Tamashii Nation starts today so hopefully there's a cool reveal or two and I'm thinking Gotenks will get early release.
  11. It's honestly a big flopping disappointment. Horrible materials used, loose joints, and limited articulation in general on top of some pretty significant balancing issues. And also to correct the poster above, it's not balancing on the wings as they'd break. The hinges are just so loose that they don't stay up well.
  12. The full review for Sentinel's Riobot R-19 The Iron Giant is up: http://kumastyledesigns.com/sentinel-iron-giant-review/ First 10/10 I've give in some time as the piece is just astounding and the price point makes it even more so. Check the link for the full details and here are some pics from the gallery portion:
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