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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. The Full Review for MakeToys MTCD-04 Divine Shooter is up. http://kumastyledesigns.com/toy-review-maketoys-cross-dimension-mtcd-04-divine-shooter/ Article goes into depth but overall it's a decent piece and definitely the most fun God Bomber figure out there. A "good" figure which really could've been something special with a bit more fit and finish! Here's a few pics from the gallery (Approx 30 pics:)
  2. So you should definitely get a Divine Shooter if you own Thubder Manus! Lmao jk. With the Black Armor, have you actually searched for it at all? It was free for everyone so it'd be interesting to see what they're priced at if they're on sale at all.
  3. Got the full review and gallery for FlameToys' Kuro Kara Kuri 02 Tarn up on site. http://kumastyledesigns.com/flame-toys-tarn-review/ The article breaks this thing down but overall it's an extremely solid and articulated piece that shows very quickly in-hand why the price is so high. Here are a few shots from the 20-picture gallery:
  4. Maybe something was lost in the way I presented it and I apologize but what I'd stated was that Erebus had a Divine armor released at TFCon this summer. Here is a picture of it: Just saying that it's out there, but rare.
  5. Support the line and maybe one will come? They did release the divine armor at TFCon this summer in black for Erebus. I was lucky enough to have one sent to me and I'm not going to lie it's pretty amazing so I can see why the want would be there.
  6. Re: Classic's Prime's Smokestack blaster - Browsed through the replies and honestly still love it just as much. It's a perfect size, mine didn't have any problems in terms of coming apart, and the implementation into alt. is just plain rad. I don't think I've seen a better weapon on a Classics Prime, TBH. Thanks, man. I can't wait for Star Saber and V.L. either. THAT'S going to be a bad mama jamma, especially if it retains good articulation when combined. The hands, I dunno'... even if he came with posed hands I don't think I'd use them in favor of these. They pop out so easily to actually avoid breakage (like how nascars are actually designed to exploded into a million pieces to avoid crushing and endangering the the driver further on impact.) The hands on Drift are "nice" but honestly feel pretty cheap after having Tarn's in-hand with the finished, painted plastic and full articulation. The more options the merrier though and I have to agree to an extrent that hands made to perfectly fit the weapons (in this case the canons used as batons) would really be a lot more fun than how he holds those in particular since they don't peg into the hands. The thighs/calves (the calves are actually more thick than the thighs) are actually proportionate and wider than the chest: I think the big trades on the shoulders make his upper body look a lot more wide than it actually is but when you pop those off (They're just on a ball joint) his actual shoulders are much more narrow and akin to a muscular human than a beast amongst beasts (lol.) I played with Kultur and I can agree but I just wish that Kultur for being such a simplistic "toy" had some more dynamic articulation to it. That would easily give me a reason to own it in conjunction with this but as is, the FlameToys plays so easily and smoothly that I don't feel like I need a whole other version of him just to toy with. I really appreciate you taking the time to watch and super appreciate the feedback. I'm looking forward to your thoughts when you get it in hand to see if they vary and how much!! Please follow up!
  7. Full review for Flame Toys Tarn is up. Went as in-depth as I could with this one.
  8. I dunno... the Classics Voyage smokestack was really good, IMO. Not his traditional blaster but a cool-looking, clean, and proportionate double-barreled blaster with a cool alt. most storage. The wind vane blaster was goofy but realistically I think most people used it as a backpack in bot mode more than anything. The siege blaster looks more like something I'd expect on a deluxe or legends than voyager scale. Love the axe.
  9. Wow... thanks guys. @Mechapilot77 Not trying to sway you at all but one thing I noticed about the SC mold is that the knee cap flaps cover up the knee and then like an additional 1/4th to 1/3rd of the thigh on top of the outter side of the calf going up just as high on the thigh so it makes the legs look a lot more stumpy than they actually are. In terms of actual thigh/calf length they're proportionate but all of that extra especially being all same color really blends in and looks like a half thigh going into a gigantic calf.
  10. Will try to get it all done asap. My workdays on Thurs Fri are 13 hours so it kills all things hobby unfortunately.
  11. I don't know. I unboxed it and went back to work, friend.
  12. I didn't get a chance to play with it while unboxing it (I just shot home on my lunch break to get it off the porch and make sure it didn't freeze,) but of course I'll go through the motions during the review. One is just a clean decepticon symbol and one has the comic-accurate scratches through one of the eyes.
  13. Only really had a chance to take it out and get it assembled yesterday but seems really solid... the one part that confused me is getting the knives placed properly in the side skirts.. they don't really seem to clip in place in any way and I can't get the skirts to close back properly with them inside. Any advice would be appreciated.
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