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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Thanks for sharing, TKING. Honestly I'm so excited for Gogeta that I don't know how to write an accurate description. One more of King Gridman. God Zenon got to the carrier facility too late to go out today but is getting delivered tomorrow!
  2. Just seeing this and thanks man; I'm going with the Good Smile company. I haven't really had the best experience with MegaHouse products, TBH. Finally got two more Gridman to go inside of the Thunder and King Gridman armors. god Zenon comes tomorrow so collection complete!
  3. Yea... I don't sell my mecha/high-end stuff but with Transformers between space and figuring out the stuff that really fits in with the majority of my collection I've went back and forth and it seems like the FP/MT classics stylings are where my heart lays. It was a son of a b finding deals on these pieces, though... and of course I found them literally all at once so I guess this is officially my Xmas gift to me. ... That Grimlock is so damned HUGE btw. ------------------------------------------- The full review for Fans Hobby's MB-06A Purple Power Baser is up! http://kumastyledesigns.com/fans-hobby-purple-power-baser-review/ Since this is direct repaint of MB-06A Black Power Baser I kept this article pretty short and sweet. Overall it's a great deco of what I feel is one of the best 3P TFs to release in the past two years. Here are some pics from the gallery portion:
  4. Man over the past week or so I've bought so many 3P classic TFs that it isn't even funny. - Third FP Steelcore - Second MT Quantron - Third MT Battle Sentinel - Second MT Striker Noir - MT Pandinus - MT Utopia - MT Giant Type 61 Feels extremely good to be caught back up on all of my seller's regret stuff.
  5. Honestly the MagicSquare looks like MP-10 got "perfected" which really works for me but at the same time Takara always just seems to have some sort of engineering tricks and whatnot that puts them ahead of the pack so I'm waiting out. The full review and gallery for Iron Factory's IF EX-29 Rush Beats went up earlier today. http://kumastyledesigns.com/iron-rush-beats-review/ The article per normal gives the full breakdown but overall it's pretty much a gush fest over how well done of a retool this is and how awesome Iron Factory has been as a whole. Here are some of the pics from the gallery portion:
  6. @M'Kyuun I think that the lower calves are jointed to help them fit inside of the thigh better for alt. mode. Outside of that I can't see an actual purpose it plays.
  7. Thanks man, and I can't wait for the regular color. It's just a fun damned toy and it's great to see the O/M and MMC have really found themselves in terms of design and engineering. There was a period where I used to dread getting and trying to transform or play with their stuff and now more often than not I'm impressed and transform most things without instructions fairly fast out of the box. --------------------------------------------------------------- The full review for Ocular Max's PS-04s Stealth Azalea is up! http://kumastyledesigns.com/ocular-max-stealth-azalea-review/ Overall it's a pretty darned solid toy but just a few minor quirks and missing details keep it from being in that "perfect'ish" scoring tier. For the price however, it's hard to not recommend such a fun and nice looking piece that I'd say is arguably the Arcee figure to buy at MP scale right now. Here's a few pics from the gallery portion:
  8. So I was putting away the latest Black Wing (Real Color) and did some thinking... in my humble opinion this is the best transforming toy that Sentinel has put out. Between the sculpt itself itself, the articulation, materials, and the contained transformation, I don't see anything else they've put out beating it or even close. Hell, I like this design damned near as much as Dancouga itself. Not a lot of love since it's seen more as an add-on to the king but it's damned amazing in its own right. Also... where the Real Color version of Dancouga is a lot more attractive to me, I actually like the regular colored version of Black Wing more. The lighter colors and separation on it let the details shine more overall although I do like the gray wings of the Real Color more.
  9. Absolutely! It was also a time where there weren't 55 companies announcing and releasing things per month so I could just plain focus and enjoy more. The toys are better nowadays but when it comes to TF collecting I had so much more fun back then.
  10. NP at all, JB. I was honestly just confused and appreciate you clarifying. Still cleaning and got taken back to and embarrassed by just how much I loved the Battle Tankers.
  11. This nails it and it's even more so why it comes off like weird ego flexing over items that have priced someone out. Stuff like "Hip thrusting" (heroic posing) being a complaint like that's how you have to pose something is such a non point that it's hard to draw any other conclusion. Personally I do love the design and these in general because they do for more towards my aesthetic and build/quality tastes as a SuperRobot collector while remaining true to form in terms of comic likeness. In terms of Star Saber being more akin to Tetsujin it's hard for me to see where you're coming from as he has that "perfect V" torso silhouette and the panels are also fairly minimal. I totally get the large backpack thing but it's his wings and likely removable (pic c/o TFW2005;) @Scyla already beautifully covered where the design cues come from so when someone screams Gundam I don't know if they're just unaware of Star Saber's IDW design in general or...? Overall they aren't for everyone in terms of design and especially price but they're remarkable products regardless.
  12. That seems to be the case. Even though I "get" it, it's fairly annoying. I also feel like these rants come out more so if the item is high-end/priced. Oh well.
  13. Ok cool; your'e the mod so just let me know which you prefer because I don't want to cross post both! The ThreeA Prime and BB are coming shortly as well so irl be good to know where to share. ------------- Thanks for sharing that, MechaPilot. I'm a weirdo who likes movie designs but just thinks 90% of transforming toys for them look like crap. They just haven't translated well to me until these 3P companies have been knocking it out of the park recently and that piece is definitely no exception. It's gorgeous.
  14. I think this goes in the other TF thread since it's licensed like the other FT stuff but I agree and can't wait for this.
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