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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Looks like Getter Devolution may just be coming tomorrow which is a quick turnaround
  2. I'm going to wait until I get the other colored version too. That way i can do them together!
  3. A few shots of Sentinel's Riobot 05 Tsugumori (Animation Color Ver.)
  4. Nice! Really looking forward to your thoughts. I completely forgot about all of the weapons that go with them all as well (every figure in the line can hold each other's weapons which is amazing.)
  5. Striker Manus or Striker Noir? And hell yea, man. I have two of each waiting for the sky wings to use as armor. My copies are supposed to ship out next week so we'll see.
  6. Honestly I think that Noir really caarriedtje mold better as well. It's a very imposing and mean stylization so the colors really embody it.
  7. The yamato Patlabor has been a long time grail for me and seeing this finally gives me an option but is it diecast? If it's another vinyl piece unfortunately I'll have to pony up for the other.
  8. Just making sure that you're aware of the upcoming metallic repaint of Striker Manus? A good deal is a good deal but just making sure.
  9. Planet X Star Saber is really impressing the heck out of me visually. I think Flametoys is finally going to be given a legitimate run for its money by a transforming piece.
  10. 3P Metal Build Huckbein Mk II and ut actually turned out awesome.
  11. Yea... I certainly would've put the funds elsewhere had I known but i can't complain too much bc it's still free shipping with all bonus parts included per the deal offered at TFCON.
  12. Unfortunately, yes. They made a statement on their Facebook page a week or so ago basically stating that they had just gotten enough orders to fulfill their requisite and were beginning production with March being the date to give them enough time for any quality issues that occur. It sucks because I paid for it early in a big part because of the fact that they said it'd be available so soon.
  13. Yea, I'm getting SG Drift. In fact, it was paid for in October and it's just going to be a random-assed shipping notice out of no where next year which will be a fun surprise.
  14. Glorious! SG Drift coming in March, I'd **GUESS** Star Saber coming Summer, and MP-44 and MP-45? Hound coming in between 2019 is shaping up to be a really nice year on the licensed side.
  15. You know,, I completely forgot to review it but now that I have a request I'll get it done this week! Thanks man and yea... I switched over to MPs and sold a bunch of the MT Classics to Make room but realistically the MPs just don't do it for me like these designs (just like you said for yourself, they really speak to me as well) so I sold all of that stuff and switched back. Believe it or not, if it weren't for FPJ and MTC I would've stopped collecting TFs years ago because when Hasbro classics went to hell their stuff was the only TF products I collected at all. I guess that fact even beyond the designs really gives me a strong bond/bias towards them.
  16. I feel like the Magic Square looks like "MP-10 perfected" which is just glorious to me while MP-44 looks like a once-in-a-generation type of definitive figure. I'm definitely in for both.
  17. oh I completely understand...I don't know if you saw the list I posted earlier but I went absolutely insane spending last week and the worst part is that it looks like it's literally all dropping tomorrow so I'm potentially going to have Pandinus, Utopia, Green Giant, Chaos Paladin, Striker Noir, and some non-tf stuff on my porch tomorrow. The Mrs just happens to be out of town during the day so it looks like quite a bit of grief will be saved.
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