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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Right now there's no official (or even other company iirc)add on for the Striker Manus molds but their upcoming regular and black versions of Jetfire become armor for them.
  2. I agree and that's what throws me off... i don't know if they wanted to visually se po karate ut from something like the Generation Toy one which I can't blame them for but it doesn't work for me.
  3. I guess the tax thing is "fair enough" in theory but completely foreign when you're... foreign to having to do it. I'll be completist on the K Kuro K but the ones I'm looking forward to most are the Victory Saber combo and seeing just HOW the Jetfire-styled appendage works. I don't know where I said it but my thought is that it'll literally just be single-mode jet that parts forms into armor which is more than ok by me. It'd also be cool to see just an exclusive upgrade parts kit with no jet mode because it'd probably be significantly cheaper. The Rodimus Silhouette and Megatron just aren't doing it for me and The Fallen has way too much Tarn going on in that sculpt. I'm with you on the model kits. I have the prime and haven't even taken the plastic wrapper off the box.
  4. Oh definitely: I can only take your word on the customs part so wasn't attempting to have any input on it but just stating my personal reasoning for using my preferred sites with particular orders and it boils down to price. In fact, the only service here I've ever had any sort of issue or delay with customs with is USPS. I go out of my way to avoid EMS because of this. Even with that though it's just the fact that customs can be slow as all get out and have never had to pay a fee for stuff I've already paid for. That's crazy.
  5. FT Star Saber preordered. I'd love to say "can't wait" but delays are par for the course so I don't see this coming until after fall hits even with the May listing. SG Drift coming in March will be a nice holdover though. I agree on the shipping... absolutely hate it. At least this has the bonus parts so in my head I just call it a upcharge for extra pieces but anything that's same for same with retail releases I order elsewhere. DHL overnight from AmiAmi even is always significantly cheaper than D4's FedEx option. I don't know if they do so much business in HK that they give no frakks but they've really got to get some other options together if they want to expand their global orders because it's a very real and widespread complaint.
  6. No Bandai scariness. Just new designers and wanting to differentiate the molds as well as give it a scheme the flows better between the Mass Production and MK II. Personally I like the design quite a bit better than the insanely slavish vanishing trooper. If you watch the review the base for the product stand still says Vanishing Trooper as well.
  7. The full review and gallery for Sentinel's Getter Devolution Getter 1 is up! http://kumastyledesigns.com/sentinel-devolution-getter-1-review/ This one got a very easy ten as it;s just impeccable from top to bottom. The article breaks it down piece by piece but overall it's awesome and gets a strong recommendation from me. Here are a few pics from the gallery portion:
  8. Gone over in the build section of the review! (Edit: So far both this and the Moscow Quanta have met/exceeded the joint quality of the officials; however that old metalsaga one is a turd.)
  9. Check their Facebook page or D4toys... They listed the bonus parts. I'm pretty sure one is one of the rifles but unsure of what else. The Fallen definitely maintains too much of Tarn's aesthetic but hoping that the paint job covers it up better when future samples are shown. The biggest thing for me was the Jetwing combination option for Optimus... thinking the add on will just be a giant jet that parts forms like how Victory Leo is only one mode and parts forms for combination.
  10. Preorders for FT Star Saber open Saturday. I'm hoping the site doesn't crash.
  11. Honestly I wish Hasbro had done a ruination version of the RoTF set back in the day so that FPJ would've done upgrades to match. It's still my favorite Bruticus to date.
  12. I'm sorry guys, I'm sitting here trying to get some stuff done for Sentinel and watch Baki and got brawl mixed up with Onslaught mentally. No.
  13. Alright, so looks like everything's set for both the review and gallery to go up tomorrow morning, which is awesome. This is a sweet piece:
  14. Well thanks, man! I'll tell you I may UN combine my original set just to have both robot and combined displayed but they take up so much less space this way and can actually be SEEN over all of the other IF stuff on those shelves. It's crazy how that samey height makes it all blend.
  15. Got the full article and gallery up for this one too at a whopping 50 pics (well... that's significantly large for me, anyways.) http://kumastyledesigns.com/iron-factory-catastrophe-review/ This one is a direct repaint of the originally released War Giant and all accessories are the same sans additional non-transforming Bridge Watcher (Shockwave) blaster. The article is kept pretty short and sweet because of this and here are some pics from the gallery:
  16. The Coneheads certainly look good but I'm well past jumping on MP-scale stuff just because. Glad that they gave everyone a chance to get the wing fillers on their own! -------------------------------------- Review for Iron Factory's Catastrophe is up:
  17. This is a great shot! Got in one of my last big items of the year in Sentinel's Getter Devolution Getter 1! Not a lot of play time but really loving it so far:
  18. Got the full review and gallery for Sculpt Lab Productions' Perisoreus Internigrans up! http://kumastyledesigns.com/sculpt-lab-perisoreus-internigrans-review/ The article breaks it down per normal but overall this is very good in terms of quality and just overall execution. To see a high-end Huckebein MK II like this isn't just awesome as a fan but man oh man it makes me want more SRW products of this type. I'm hoping this isn't the last of the series from this company. Here are a few pics from the gallery portion:
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