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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Ohhhh I think I get it even looking at the title pic (at work atm.) The shoulder parts that HANG being attached to the back of the calf. I thought he meant the additional two bits that go on each shoulder towards the neck more. Thank you all very much!
  2. Oh it's no problem! I was wondering about the shoulder pieces but didn't see them in the instructions so just fore went them. Advice like this makes for a better gallery so it's always appreciated. For leg bend do you mean the slight crack below the hips? If so, that's done... without it you can't even tab the calves back in at the lower peg. Those parts aren't even on it in any of the pics, man. Thank you senpai!
  3. I'm out of love reactions for the day apparently (ha!) but thanks man! Glad to have found one (now you've got to post some pics of yours!)
  4. Thank you, sir and honestly without your clwar shots showing the angles and how it attaches I wouldn't have seen how much more convenient the attachment is and the space I'll save displayed without the wings out horizontally. Big selling points. Last spam for the moment. Just another quick snap from last night.
  5. One of the wings came off fine and the other took minor strength to get out but still only took a few seconds? Nothing that effected anything but again; subjective because one person's too tight is another's meh. ------------------- Up close:
  6. Honestly man, I don't really feel comfortable answering that because it's such a subjective manner. In general I seem to have an easier time than a lot of people with transformations but even if I say it's punch-a-wall hard you can find it easier than pie. Just speaking for this particular toy, personally I followed the instructions step by step and got it from fighter to bot (battroid) (skipped chicken walk for the moment) in a couple of minutes and that's with baby handling. ----------- Just wanted to throw a shout out to @Xigfrid and @no3Ljm for the booster adapters and making me aware if them. They should be here by 02/01.
  7. LMAO!!!!! Quick snap of the bot mode dolled up:
  8. Bandai Tamashii DX Chogokin VF-19 Advanced quick snap:
  9. The Full breakdown and gallery article for Iron Factory IF EX-31 Dubhe is up on KumaStyle.com! See sig for direct link. The article as stated breaks it down but overall this is one of Iron Factory's best and I really can't wait to have the whole team on top of checking out the combining gimmick! Here are some pics from the gallery portion:
  10. You nailed it. I was extremely surprised and IMPRESSED being so new to this with just how easy it is to play and pose. In fact, I may be doing a second gallery within the week just because. And thank you guys, again. The encouragement is very much so appreciated.
  11. Thanks so much guys, and just wanted to say I appreciate you all answering my dumb questions and taking the time to point out things like transformation issues. Means a ton and again this community is just something else.
  12. TYVM guys.
  13. Got the full breakdown article and gallery for the Bandai Tamashii DX Chogokin VF-1J is up: http://kumastyledesigns.com/bandai-dx-vf-1j-review/ Pretty much had to give this one a 10/10. This thing just knocks it out from top-to-bottom and even without an attachment to Macross there's no way that you can't see how good of a piece this one is. The article breaks it down piece-by-piece per normal, but here are some pics from the gallery portion (Full galla approx 30 pics:)
  14. Mucking around and shooting while the review video processes and I have to say I really slept on the Hi-Metal R. I've had it for some time now and this is the first time I've honestly gotten to look at and play with it and it's a pretty damned nice piece in its own right. I honestly love the aesthetic of it.
  15. The full breakdown article and gallery for MakeToys' MTCD-05SP Buster Stealthwing is up: http://kumastyledesigns.com/maketoys-buster-stealthwing-review/ Overall, it's a solid figure and I think it really meets the standards set by MakeToys for this line in terms of build and articulation. Admittedly, after some play time the armored mode really has become the most appealing to me in terms of display and I think it visually fits both Manus and Noir very well. The article has the full breakdown and gallery but here are a few pics from it:
  16. Alright guys, I think I got it. I am having a ton of fun shooting this damned thing. Can't wait to share the whole galla.
  17. Thank you all very much!
  18. Thank you guys very much and @Saburo your pics are what made me finally cave and jump in on all of this so it means a lot. You guys are an extremely positive and dedicated bunch and it's a great community to be a part of. And thanks for the share @davidwhangchoi! @sh9000 would you mind pointing out what's out of place? I knpw the calf area flaps area mess which I've fixed for the gallery pics but it's hard for me to see what else is off. I'm at that, "just glad to have transformed it wothout breaking it" level so criticism is more than welcome. I'm going to knock out the review and site gallery tonight so I'd like to male sure everything is right. Feel free to circle and do whatever you need to point out! ---------- One more question about the 19 Advance vs the Full Set... the reason I want the Advanced is the boosters but does the Full pack have any engineering changes/improvements? I don't care for the Full pack set itself at all.
  19. Hey Dragon I don't know if you still have it available but you sent me a message and not knowing how to navigate this board well I think I deleted it because I don't see it anymore. Would you mind resending? I'd respond raw but I didn't even get a chance to read and see what it said clicking around and messing up.
  20. Thanks a ton, guys. Super excited for the Advance at this point. I think I'll just keep the 1/48 as my one VF-1J for the time being since there will more than likely be an S to display with it, right?and just collect 1/60 to display around them as centerpieces. Just Transformed this thing into GerWalk for the first time. Man oh man it's pretty darned sexy:
  21. Hey guys I have to eat crow and sincerely apologize. I finally got time to search and search pictures from literally every overseas festival from the past year and after hours of searching I've got nothing. The only thing I saw that fits the description of how I feel I saw it was an older prototype display of God Gravion with it and the different alt modes in front of it so I'm wondering if something got crossed up and I told myself there was a DangaiOh and imagined it displayed as such? Dreamed about it and took it as a memory? I don't know but either way I'm wrong as frakk here and sorry for the misinformation.
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