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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Scarlet Spider up for Preorder on SS - https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/marvel-spider-man-scarlet-spider-suit-hot-toys-904767 ---------------------------------- IW Groot came today:
  2. Hot Toys Thor (Infinity War Ver.) Review:
  3. Got the full breakdown article and gallery up for the Hot Toys Iron Man 3 version of the diecast War Machine Mk II up on Kuma Style. http://kumastyledesigns.com/toy-review-hot-toys-diecast-war-machine-mark-ii-mk-2-iron-man-3-ver/ Per normal the article breaks the figure down by section but overall I gave this one a 7/10. It's certainly a solid figure but it being so undersized and generally underwhelming accessory wise compared the the Mks I and III makes it a bit bland when factored in with the more toned down aesthetic. On the plus side, of the three it's definitely the most fun and easy to play with and pose with the most wide ranges in terms of movement. Here are a few pictures from the gallery portion of the article;
  4. Last quick snap of the HT Diecast War Machine Mk I
  5. Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece Series Diecast (L2R) War Machine Mk II, Mk I, and Mk III
  6. War Machine Mk II came in today and I have to say it's one of those that has a much better presence in hand than in pics... I actually really like it but the only thing that puts me off is the insane height distance between it and the Mk III. Quick Snaps:
  7. Cancelled the Mark L and weapons in favor of the 85 the other day, War Machine dc mk ii supposedly comes tomorrow and dc mk i tuesday. Teetering on the Patriot but if the last suit is released in both Patriot and promo colors I'd rather get those.
  8. Alright, got the Hot Toys Diecast War Machine Mk III full breakdown article and gallery up on Kuma Style. http://kumastyledesigns.com/hot-toys-war-machine-mkiii-review/ Per usual the article breaks it down by category but overall I gave this one a 9.5 out of 10. It nails the look to a tee, the build is miraculous, and takes all of the cool stuff that the Iron Man XLVI does engineering wise and does them even better. Literally the only miff I have is the articulated hands not holding the baton as well as I'd like and that's huge. Here are some pictures from the gallery portion (total 14 pics as of this posting:)
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