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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Nice pics @Ozma Lee
  2. Yea man it was 219 usd vs. 215 but that's nothing considering people are stuck waiting for when and ifs. -------- My VF-1J and missile set came.
  3. Got the shipping notice from Amazon so should be here tomorrow or Weds.. Forgot to update that I'd gone with a different seller that a friend had successfully gotten his from.
  4. Amazon also uses DHL Express which is 1 to 2 day shipping so if it says Friday it probably won't ship till Weds.
  5. Oh wow; I certainly didn't knowall of that and appreciate the insight.
  6. I know what it homages and that's why I'm surprised not to see it. There are a lot of crossover fans I'm sure?
  7. Amazing pics! ... wow. I really don't want to buy a 1s but that fast pack on top of the missile set... man. Really surprised a red fastpack set hasn't been shown yet.
  8. Post pics!!
  9. Your pics made me reorder it.
  10. Great pics! Man I ordered it but then cancelled... something is just rubbing me funny about these having gauranteed delivery timeframes and not even shipping by them. I really want it though for valk mode display because the colors are stunning. So as soon as someone actually says these have shipped I'll probaby re order.
  11. So at this point would it be best just told hold off on Amazon.Jp until people's actually ship?
  12. Hey thanks! That makes a lot of sense.
  13. Screenshot of it.
  14. Am I te only one to where that store and others says currently unavailable but lets you add to cart and order anyways?
  15. You drive a hard bargain. Fine.
  16. TYVM for posting this... it's really hard not to order.
  17. Had a Concept Cap. Shield commissioned to match Falcon and I like how it came out albeit a bit glossy. Falcon and shield focused pics inc.
  18. Just be creative, play with thr product, and come up with unique poses. -----------
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