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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. WHOOPS. Thanks for pointing that out. Wouldn't have noticed.
  2. What the heck? I swore you already shot Max? Is this another?
  3. Thanks Yea because I totally didn't open the box and take out the packing materials to even see the item let alone take a picture of it... not. -----------------------
  4. I cry.
  5. Broly and Scarlet Spider came the other day; Waiting for the DX VF-1A today.
  6. NP senpai! And yeeeeeea I may just have to ride home when it's dropped off.
  7. Man oh man this is a great shot. Can't wait for mine. 1A was supposed to get here today but is coming tomorrow of course when I'm working. Oh well!
  8. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!! Nice! --------------------------- @gerwookie I don't know. It's currently on the shelf and it'll be a bit before I'm up for pulling it down and messing with it. I'll follow up later tonight if no one else answers.
  9. I think I told you elsewhere but great shots @Slave IV
  10. Thanks @Slave IV, and @gerwookie no I sold it like an idiot and immediately re bought it. ------------------------- Missile Set review. Really quick as it's a simple set.
  11. I have a feeling the Roy 1S will be the absolute last release of this mold with the Max and Miliia VF-1Js right before it. Smart money would be for them to save it until they've just ran the mold dry to counter mold fatigue.
  12. I **did** love it and just got into other things and toylines and didn't give it much attention for a few months so I figured NBD to let it go... but then as soon as I came back from the post office and noticed it off my shelf... big time remorse, man. Rough week and a half ha. But at least now I have the missiles too so I'm on the upswing. I also dig that the missiles set comes with so much that it has enough for two variants simultaneously so I'm not even inclined to get another for the VF-1A which will be in valk mode permanently.
  13. Christ these pics are gorgeous. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Got the VF-1J and Missile set after some seller's regret today and finally decided to unbox the KC Rick/Hilkaru.
  14. Senpai hath noticed me! --------------
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