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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. This comes Wednesday... extremely excited.
  2. Went through and changed out the option parts on the RX-78-2 40th. No issues with scratching or scuffing and everything swapped quick. I did use a spudger though so that obviously helped a ton.
  3. It's not just you. In general the line definitely likes its repaints and retools so it's not abnormal but really surprising that they'd showcase it so much at event like this. ---------
  4. Quick take on the Daban Wings of Light set. - First thing is that even though they're advertised as being compatible with the official Metal Build, it's not 100% in particular the part that plugs into the stand. The hexagon hole is cut at a different axis than the peg on the stand meaning that there's no way to plug it in straight up and down. I ended up dremeling out the hexagon shape on the adapter's hole which let me put it on straight but forfeited the exact fit that having the hexagon shape provided and automatic tightness that went along with it. The means how some balancing has to be done as it can begin to tilt one way or another if not. I'm guessing the stand that comes with the knockoff strike freedom has a different hexagon axis for the peg itself because there'd be no other reason for this. - The Wings themselves look alright, but they're a solid, thick plastic vs. the more thin and pliable style of the official making them a bit heavy. - The hold pieces for the funnels (the L shaped ones) don't peg in as tightly as they should into the adapter piece making the funnels begin to tilt downwards at times. Some polish can probably resolve this but I haven't had time to check. Overall it "gets the job done" but doesn't really do it well. Obviously the price difference between this and what the official Wings set go for is very much so in favor of this version but I feel I'll eventually buy the legitimate just because of the general quality. Personally I say take the 40-50 that this costs, put it aside, and start a saving towards the official set.
  5. Like prebuilt toy vs. kit? It's a model kit. Conversion kits are pretty much always for model kits.
  6. @sqidd it's just the Destiny Heine and Wings of light. Nothing crazy. ----------- The Tamashii Nations MB showings were pretty damned good. That Dynames looks great. Not really into the Astrays in general but cool to see that they're really going all in. ------------ Got the 3pKO WOL for SF SB waiting at home Will post some pics later but unsure of which thread to post them in since they're going on an official piece?
  7. @peter First off, great job on the SS work there, and secondly I have to admit that it took an embarrassing amount of attempts of trying to tag you as "SMS Squadron Leader" to get your name, right. -----------------
  8. Didn't ask if you did, and you have it regardless so live mad, sweet cheeks. Feel free to talk about the subject matter like literally everyone else as well. This guy gets it.
  9. No I don't but it's ok; I love you too. ---------- Anyways this is random but just wanted to throw out that even post honeymoon the Strike Freedom still catches my eye and is just as impressive a week later. Maybe it's because I don't own a lot of sharp Gold pieces but it just pops.
  10. Since @eXis10z seemed to think I was literally telling you what to buy or that you weren't person or adult enough to make your own decisions even if I was I will write an addendum: Although I don't personally promote buying KOs of a number of items like these due to personal experiences with quality control, even if you do buy them I still love you and hope that you have a better experience than I have.
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