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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Flame Toys Star Saber and GFFMC Wing Zero today Yesterday Demoniacal Fit Vegetto.
  2. Question I brought up elsewhere: Would anyone want to see the Fix figuration line tackle the Wing Zero V.KA? It's honestly my favorite version and it shares quite a bit with the Wing Zero EW that it seems like an easy cash grab.
  3. I honestly didn't have any problems with the OG (granted, I barely touched it,) but this re release I have seems solid. ------------------ Random but we were out shopping today and I saw a metal build Aile Strike locally... but the price was freaking $330 plus tax.... efffffffffffffff that. I told them straight up I can have it shipped for significantly less than that.
  4. It started as concept art. Here's my favorite version of it;
  5. Well, the price and accessories don't really matter in regards to the question but apprecuate the feedback regardless. ------------------- Wing zero comes tomorrow. Glad for a quick turnaround there.
  6. Honestly joints and quality are subjective to personal standards so I only report my personal experience and don't really look at anyone else's as right or wrong. I can end up considering something fine that someone else considers loose and vice versa. With that being said in general I've found the Exia and releases using it as a base to be loose for my liking. It feels like they've tightened newer molds up since but that family just... yea. Hoping for better luck with this Astraea variant if it's said to be more up to snuff.
  7. **THANK YOU** Seriously; Type F new out of the box had crap joints in the legs and that's exactly why I asked. I'll order Astraea this weekend then. Very much so appreciated.
  8. It's weird. Sentinel and Bandai's SOC line have threads but everything else is kind of wherever.
  9. So... I did it, guys. I got the GFFMC Wing Zero and it should be here by Weds. I'm stupid hyped for this. STUPID HYPED. Now just to find me an Aile Strike...
  10. Thank you guys. @Mommar Left it open ended because I wanted to know what pieces you guys feel compliment it for whatever reasons you feel they do. ----------------------------------- I honestly think I may end up getting a Yamato 22s and 11b with fast packs and display it that way but for now I've just got him with some Yamato favorites;
  11. Well I've seen all of Wing/EW but I was more getting at tracking down this novel that the snow version is in. I know it might sound strange but having a bit of knowledge on these pieces makes me value on retain them more so than not... and if you're a beginner I haven't even started.
  12. Ok cool; I'll certainly be sure to ask any questions if i run into funny business. I really want to read up and know the history behind this Mobile Suit. Everything about it is so interesting... and amazing displays btw.
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