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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. The ThreeZero one is en route. Looking forward to seeing how it shapes up in hand.
  2. A friend reminded me that I've never taken any pics of Daltanious so the goal today is to rectify that.
  3. Would love to see better pics of Freedom 2.0. The first was such a dull design. Justice is a favorite of mine so that's just plain hype.
  4. Quick snap of the CCSToys Thunderbolt in the FEXT base
  5. I'm not the biggest fan of these but honestly I can't wait for it to get here. Looking forward to your shots.
  6. The Prime is a gigantic, diecast piece of heaven and boxed appropriately.
  7. Don't even. This one will have U.S. distribution too so get it at msrp.
  8. Just unboxed...joints aren't horrible but seem a bit loose...I don't remember the item mich from when I owned it previously but is this normal?
  9. Oh, ok! Well I'm sure it'll go through considering Bluefin keeps stock for conventions anyways. I'd return the bleep out of that. -------------------------------------------- 00 Raiser comes today. Almost wish I never got the Strike freedom because this has gotten a bit out of control.
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