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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. ThreeZero Unit 1came in today. Working but just unboxing good look and finish and the heft for this size is really nice.
  2. I honestly don't even know what the release date or any of that production stuff is atm so if it's 2020 for mass release per whatever site then it's that. ----------------------- This is officially being delivered tomorrow per tracking so if anyone has any questions by all means lmk.
  3. I missed this... colors are weird and not knowing exactly what pictures you've seen it's hard to say if they're accurate or not (that's a really vague question with a lot of personal variables to really try to answer.) In general, t definitely isn't a hot, vibrant red or orange but they aren't necessarily "dull" either... just like the blue on the regular destiny is. It's definitely not brown or even a shade of but it'd be more towards that end being darker than the vibrant, more neon-ish orange I think you're looking for. "How is the overall paint?" - Another very vague question... are you talking like terms of application and finish or is this particular to the color tone/saturation again?
  4. The full breakdown article and gallery for the Action Toys Pose+ Metal Series P-02 Baxinger is up; https://kumastyledesigns.com/pose-plus-baxinger-review/ Full article breaks it down by piece but gave it an 8.5/10 overall. Check out some pics from the gallery below:
  5. But not knowing the production count of this piece is there any way to tell that it's in a high demand? Retailers like BBTS even accounted for a certain number of them because they literally buy from them just like us and resell at a higher price. It obviously doesn't have the production run of a standard release but even knowing it's lower we don't know if 100 were made or 10,000. Lower production runs also result in higher price by nature because there's a more slim margin to make up for production costs. In the end, no matter what it's a niche product at a niche scale with a hella' niche price. Are there things about it that likely give it a very high profit margin? More than likely hell yes but that can be said for damned near anything you pay for. It's all subjective. One man's expensive is another's moderate and everyone has different priorities, general expenses, yadda yadda. As long as everyone buys what they want for the sake of their own enjoyment (vs. those "competitive collectors" and bullshit like that) and enjoys what they have then everyone's doing well.
  6. Oh man... this would be so great particularly as someone who attends events on the world tour.
  7. Almost forgot to share that the full article and gallery for the Flame Toys Kuro Kara Kuri 03 Star Saber is up on Kuma Style; https://kumastyledesigns.com/flame-toys-star-saber-review/ Article breaks it down in full but overall this one got the big 10/10 because frankly it went above and beyond on all accounts. Someone can say things like they'd prefer it transform but that's a non factor because it's not meant to and the things that it was made to do it excels at. I don't think there will ever be a more "perfect" homage to the IDW version of Star Saber in my lifetime, even. Here are some pics from the gallery portion;
  8. Pose+ Baxinger comes tomorrow so we're gonna' light this bleeping thread up.
  9. Yea I'll get it up in the next day or two. Actually wanting to finish the full gallery first with this one so that once I'm done recording that video I can put it away forever if it pisses me off as much as Stick did.
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