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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. I'm not sure,tbh. I'll check and if not I will because it definitively went under the radar.
  2. The mecha is called Hero Man and the toy is Bandai's Robot Spirits line.
  3. Honestly the 1/60 scale is at least something I'd invest into considering it can fit in with existing stuff unlike 1/72. Considering a number of these 3P "metal builds" pretty much slap diecast frames into existing model kit molds it should be a given. I actually bought the Metal Structure but would still be down for a 3P iteration for the reasons you mentioned here.
  4. Can't really get on the Metal Structure carrying on because I bought it and am not too hyped for it. What I **DID** find today was a Metal Build Crossbone x2 for 24,000 jpy so I scooped that right the hell up. New/sealed, even. Part of me wants to re buy the Crossbone x1 but I feel like the Full cloth is all but guaranteed and I needs my skull fists.
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