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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Although I'd implode with excitement likely never. I've spoken to a number of companies about Mavericks and the general consensus is that with villain characters the fan base will be vocal about wanting them but then on release they don't sell.
  2. There's something about its simplicity that makes it just a great mecha in general.
  3. Got to mess around with the Pose+ Lightan for a few minutes and it's... decent? It's extremely nice to have a Lightan at this size and it's hard to tell if it's having messed with the other two first but it just doesn't have that same oomph to me when it comesto the quality. It looks fine and all of that but little stuff like the joints not having that firmness of the others to the point where the diecast in the legs on mine seem to weigh the extended ankles back down and little stuff like the compartment that holds up the light up head coming loose when I move the head is pretty meh. I'll fiddle with it more and see what of it is user error but so far it's a big ol "ok" and even outside of the mecha chosen I can see why this one's been sitting at retail whete the others are selling pretty fast.
  4. Lol.. all treats are his treats according to the book of Chip (his name.)
  5. Absolute insanity and apparently his daughter as well as another teammate of hers and a parent were on board as well. Complete losss reading this.
  6. Just unboxed and put together the Beast Combination Dancouga. It's in the middle sandwiched between two originals. - Paint's different and a blatant tell from the originals: I don't think it's a "bad" thing, either. It's no different than Sentinel doing a re release with different paint tells. Notably things like the face being chromed vs silver and the little chest guns as well. - The added diecast parts in the shoulders and arms are neat but in the 12 originals I currently have I have yet to break anything so it's hard for me to see it as an improvement but regardless it's cool, solid, and preventative. - The extra accessories like the swords and wings are nice. - The changes in the hands and wrists are unnecessary and pretty unsightly. The wrist pegs were changed to be a bit longer and thinner and the hands don't have the female balljoint connectors not cut deep enough so you're left with these long, thin wrists exposed. Overall one thing in general that I'd see as an actual problem and outside of that it's a really well-done capture of the mold with some neat add-ons.
  7. The Pose + GoShogun came in today but quite a bit of stuff has come recently. Just off the top of my head: - CMS DX Great BaanGaan - Metal Build Crossbone X-2 - Heavy Metal Mazxinger Zero - Heavy Metal Tetsujin 28 - Fans Hobby Power Baser - Fans Hobby black Power baser - Fans Hobby God Armour - Fans Hobby Black God Armour - Neoart Toys Eva Leonidas - NeoArt Toys Origin Leonidas - AlphaMax DH Gokin Jeeg - Metal Build 00 Raiser
  8. Can confirm was Grey said about pressing the wings down. When you look there shouldn't be any clearance between the top of the shoulder pieces and the flat part above the round pegs on the wings.
  9. In general New York customs has always taken an extended period compared to Chicago for me. Same with San Francisco. I can imagine the amount that they get being coastal areas compared to the middle of the U.S. is night and day.
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