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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Anyways, so yea... love that they gave Tarn so many aesthetic options between two masks abd the speakers.
  2. Like what you like but stuff like this is disingenuous at best. They're not only Transformers homages, but licensed ones at that. "Transformers" is a brand and not a verb.
  3. A-freaking-men. There are just things that are so objectively better about the aforementioned pieces that it isn't even funny. In the end though, I'm with @JB0 and @M'Kyuun's sentiment in that it's great that there are so many options for everyone. It's just the people attempting to argue preferences and the like gets tired.
  4. I agree with Tekering due to the formatting and resolution but honestly if you maybe do something smaller like an 8x10 or 12x15 and use a medium like cardstock it'll offset some of the dithering.
  5. Oh wow. Well fingers crossed it's sooner than later.
  6. Does anyone have intel on when the second batch of Metal Build Sazabi releases? The listing said March but obviously that's out of the question.
  7. I've built a whopping one Flame Toys kit and if I had the time I'd do more. They're not quite as refined as Bandai MGs but there are some aspects like the joints style that I'd be more than ok with Bandai yanking from them.
  8. Nothing. People in the fandom just feel that their preferences should dictate what others do and attempt to argue subjectives for reasons unknown. I'm good on all of that. EXACTLY; so why are you even going back and forth with someone as if YOUR personal criteria matters in terms of what THEY consider to be x,y, or z? You brought up dishes being irrelevant; transformations are just as irrelevant to people who don't consider them a factor just like what other people are "into."
  9. How can you nail something you aren't doing? That's like me saying I feel like I nailed a test at school and someone telling me, "but you didn't wash the dishes." The transforming factor blatantly isn't a "must" when it comes to transformers toy homages and is a preferential factor at best. So no, it's not fair and I absolutely stand by what I said.
  10. I'm not talking about what design style is better... at all. I'm talking about a proper homage to said design. If the original design has sacrifices made for the sake of alt. mode in terms of the robot mode design, it's what it is. All that's being talked about here though is the toy looking spot onto whatever it's supposed to be however it was designed.
  11. Not a fair statement because it's not what they're going for and frankly as someone who prefers non-transforming homages at this point I'm extremely glad they didn't. They aesthetic compromises made for what I feel is an overdone gimmick just aren't worth it. After 30 years of life I don't need an Optimus Prime homage to turn into a truck for the once or twice I'd bother with it to feel like Optimus. I want the most premium and aesthetically pleasing homage possible on my display.
  12. Cool shots @Black Valkyrie
  13. Yea man. Always appreciate the suggestions and the like tho and thanks for the kind words. And yea... the Flame Toys stuff at this point is pretty much pinnacle Transformers collecting. Just nailing it on all accounts.
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